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Monday, November 4, 2024

Professor explains how the West have been lying to their people for many years and how those lies are now coming home




This dismantling of a western propagandist and the lies he cheerfully repeats reveal that the west is now experiencing the seeds that they planted. From refugees to uniting the rest of the world against them to a potential full scale war across the globe, this has been brewing for a long time. Western leaders, arms manufacturers, and corporate lobbyists have taken the west to a point where it is becoming increasingly isolated and potentially destroyed. All the while, Russia and China sit and wait.

Watch here as Morgan continually gulps when he cannot produce the evidence for his claims. Watch how he gaslights Professor Seyed Mohammad Marand to distract from his own corrupt complicity and arrogance. This is an absolutely masterful deconstruction of a presenter who is way out of his depth when it comes to facts and reality.

Only by opening our minds and not allowing ourselves to be crushed by unevidenced nonsense will we escape and be able to make our own decisions. No one should believe their governments unless those governments have earned it. No one should pick a side until they are sure that it is merited.

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