Call to Action – United Against the Bibby Stockholm – No to Floating Prisons

Pendennis Rise, Falmouth, 21st May, 3pm

On Sunday 21st May, 3pm, hundreds of people will come together in protest against the Bibby Stockholm prison ship. Reclaim the Sea, Cornwall Resists and Divest Borders falex, along with other organisations and individuals, will gather to demonstrate against the U.K. governments plans to detain refugees and asylum seekers on a floating prison ship.

A spokesperson from Cornwall Resists stated that “The ship is a floating human rights violation. When it was previously used to detain refugees, people died and there were numerous amounts of abuse reported. We must come together in collective effort to refuse to accept the british governments racist border violence”

A spokesperson, from Reclaim the Sea quoted “Many asylum-seekers and people on the move have experienced sea-related trauma on one or
multiple occasions. To house them in a floating prison barge risks retraumatising people who are already vulnerable and deserve our solidarity and support, not hate and hostility.”

Another spokesperson, from Divest Borders falex quoted “As students united against Exeter university’s complicity in border violence, we know all too well how institutionalised and normalised the suffering of racialised people is on our land and at our borders.

However, we also understand Falmouth to be a largely welcoming place and we’re shocked to learn the BS (Bibby Stockholm) would be allowed to dock here.

They continued “We want Falmouth Town Council, Cherilyn Mackrory MP and A&P to hear the disgust of Falmouth and the wider Cornwall community of ,their involvement. We urge A&P workers to lay down their tools in solidarity.”

The groups are calling on others to join them in protest on Sunday in Cornwall, to share the callout beforehand and get as many people
involved as they can. They are also calling for people to protest in their own towns and cities – with a demonstration called in London
already – to happen at the same time! In the meantime – there is an open letter to Suella Braverman available to sign – produced by Reclaim the Sea and signed by over 50 organisations and nearly 400 individuals which
can be found here:

For more information, please contact:

Cornwall Resists : [email protected]

Reclaim the Sea : [email protected]

Divest Borders falex: [email protected]

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