Well, Psychosmiffy…
I hear you’re swanning off to Kings Lynn to record a BBCQT session at 5pm today. Planning to shout your way out of taking responsibility for more deaths and mayhem among the poor, are you? I wonder if you have even a glimmer of understanding as to how utterly immature and irresponsible you made yourself appear when you let loose at Owen Jones that time before on the same programme? It’s a shame that Tory Dimbleby chose to let your rant go unchallenged, because if he hadn’t been so right-wing biased you’d have probably learned a few real truths from Mr Jones. I am sure that many will watch this latest QT, starring you with your Minister for Manslaughter hat on when it airs, to see if there is a repeat performance.
I see, also, that more service personnel are to be made redundant (https://uk.news.yahoo.com/1-000-military-personnel-051520923.html) by the former banker in charge of the MoD, which kind of clashes with the determination of the Foreign Secretary to involve the RAF in the Ukraine issue, and therefore suggests very strongly that the whole caper over there was manufactured by the politicians involved in order to divert public attention from the economic calamity that still exists here in the UK. It stands to reason that if there really was a heightening of tensions, then we would need MORE troops rather than fewer, don’t you think? So, as they’re not really required to de-claw the Russian Bear, these boys and girls are instead to be thrown on the benefits scrapheap, soon to learn as I did long ago that there are very few jobs in civilian life that require military qualifications. Maybe Nigeria could use some mercenaries against that phantom terrorist group that our SIS has set up over there. Have the two that were working for the SIS over here, who murdered Lee Rigby, gone back yet to take over their battalions? In the meantime, one assumes that our Service people, who have been willing to give up their lives in the service of this nation, will be the newest inmates of the Workfare Slave Compound. That is, of course, unless the appeal against the releasing the identities of your private sector buddies’ companies who have provided these slave labour slots falls flat as expected, taking the whole rubbish scheme with it. That will be a third wad of public money that you will have wasted on this issue, Psychosmiffy.
According to the Boycott Workfare organisation https://www.boycottworkfare.org/?p=3612) your corrupt Department will argue that releasing these details would be damaging because “due to widespread public opposition, the controversial workfare scheme could collapse if the names are revealed.” (https://www.informationtribunal.gov.uk/DBFiles/Decision/i1016/EA-2012-0207(+2)_Judgment_17-05-2013.pdf ; https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2012/nov/09/mandatory-work-activity-names-witheld) Maybe it is time that you and your Department learned that you are there to SERVE and that means that you are required to do what the PUBLIC requires, not what has been dreamed up by your Candle-lit Cruelty Committee in the back rooms of CCO. The public is saying, loud and clear, that we do not want Workfare (MWA); you should therefore not be implementing it. It’s called “accountability,” Psychosmiffy, which I know is a big word for someone of your obviously severely limited intellect to grasp, but you can have a flunky read you the definition from the Oxford English Dictionary. That’s the big blue and red book that I expect they told you you mustn’t do any colouring in.
Talking about serving, what are you doing skiving off to Kings Lynn anyway? There are over 700,000 disabled and desperately ill people still waiting for incomes to be sorted out for them, striving to survive while you skive. This is money for which they have paid, or have had paid for them, what amounts to compulsory insurance premiums, via all manner of taxation, to cover them in time of need. Only two weeks ago, one of them died in Liverpool because of this backlog that your Department’s incompetence has created. An eleven year-old boy is now motherless because of that misconduct in public office by your officials. Any Department head with even an ounce of common sense would halt the entire DLA-PIP switchover programme until that entire backlog had been cleared, including any appeals arising from it. But you’re skiving off to Norfolk to get your ugly mug on the telly again. I guess that tells us everything we need to know about you as a Department head.
Oh yes, and we want our £25 billion back that you have wasted on the now (thank you, Judge Martin) thoroughly discredited Universal Credit policy. We feel that the government should, as the poor are being sanctioned in order to grab back what was given to the banksters, now be sanctioning its contractors for failing to deliver their end of the various agreements that they have been signed up for. If the government combines that with directing HMRC to use the Big Stick in collecting the unpaid taxes from the major corporations then £25 billion should not be hard to come by. Because one thing is for sure, Psychosmiffy: WE are not going to be left to pay the bill for your moronic behaviour in office.
And as for the deployment of water cannon: I suggest that you and your colleagues take some quick basic chemistry lessons because if those units ever hit the streets of this country in anger, there will be major fires raging within minutes in every local business, office and public building. With Boris the Buffoon having depleted the London Fire Service, the damage will be utterly catastrophic. In simply moving to acquire those units, Buffoon has told the public three things: 1) That this government has already lost its argument for continued austerity, 2) this government is ignoring its legally required commitment to uphold the democratic process, and 3) that this government and its thoroughly corrupt pet police force, the London Metropolitan Police Service, have declared themselves to be the outright enemies of the people of this supposedly democratic nation.
The likelihood of these machines becoming a first-line weapon is high. I refer you to the rules regarding the use of tazers, which were to be a “last resort” weapon and which are now carried routinely and openly by a large number of police throughout the UK. I refer you also to the anti-terrorist personnel within the police: these have been deployed against people in WHEELCHAIRS as a means of preventing lawful protest. The police will, I guarantee 100%, not hesitate to wheel out their new toys under any excuse. Their attitude will be “If we have it, use it” not, as you ivory tower dwellers fondly assume “If we have it, use it as a very last resort.” This is because the London Metropolitan Police are as rotten to their core as a three week old kipper, as they recently proved in a telephone call to me regarding a complaint of a serious breach of the law by the Work and Pensions Secretary.
So, as soon as they use this means of violence against us, our own human dignity declares that we will be completely entitled to defend ourselves and retaliate in a way that will ensure that they will not do so again. Attack is the best form of defence, and we will provide the same quarter as they would. None. When they fall, it will be in a manner that ensures that they will not be able to return to the fray. If you want a war, we can give you a war that will make the Northern Ireland Troubles look like a vicar’s tea party, and as you have moved to limit our access to common justice you have left us with little choice but to explore the possibilities and prepare for this option. There is a saying: “It is only when we have lost everything that we are free to do anything.” You and your government colleagues have cost millions of people throughout this once proud country just about everything now and the levels of anger are teetering at the point where they will very soon burst through the rapidly eroding veneer of civilisation. It will take only one incident to ensure that others will take up their cudgels. And now you’re about to add an extra 1,000 soon-to-be very angry and betrayed military personnel to our ranks. If your bought and paid for police attack us on the streets, then with some simple, readily available and perfectly legal chemicals, that we will not even need to stockpile, we can totally crash this country’s economy and cost your buddies in the banking and insurance industries millions, if not billions, of pounds in damage and lost trade. The information on how to do it is already circulating, and has been noted in various quarters where dialogue is definitely not the preferred option, thanks to some quite innocent social media posts. You have caused the networks that are spreading this information to be created, no-one else. YOU.
As you’ve obviously chosen to forget/ignore what a few determined people can do to a nation’s economic well-being, I suggest you read this from the BBC archives: https://www.bbc.co.uk/history/topics/troubles_everyday_life If this is what you want for what will be left of the UK after Scotland’s departure, we can provide it. Many of the Scots whose lives you have destroyed will likely wish to cross the border and stick their own boot in as well. Foreign investors make superb economic targets and can be compelled by sustained and repeated losses to withdraw from their premises here. Work will simply be moved elsewhere, destroying the tax base you need in order to pay what is left of your defenders. Lives have value, you see? This, apparently, is what you want – Britain to become an economic disaster zone; a nation-wide employment desert, just like Northern Ireland became. If that appearance is incorrect, then it is up to you, as the government, to change our perception and to do so very quickly indeed. As things stand, you are not doing so. An example is the deceptively juicy carrot you are holding out to the uneducated masses: Vote for the Tories so there can be a referendum on Europe in 2017, and meanwhile you’ll destroy the domestic security of pensioners throughout the entire country, as well as continue to exterminate those you see as “undesirables” – the sick, the disabled and the long-term unemployed.
As we see it, this government is legislating – which is to say “making lawful” – the conditions that are turning this country into the equivalent of a banana republic. We are generally law-abiding people and so we must naturally fall in with the lawful conditions that you seek to create through your legislation. If that means we have to kill and injure the drastically reduced numbers of uniformed personnel who would be directed to stand in opposition to us to protect your worthless carcases, so be it. And, as many of your reservists are some of those living in conditions that can only be defined as the poverty you have created, you should not count upon their co-operation. This violent action would not be anyone’s first choice, but the law is the law, right? It’s simply a matter of interpretation. However, although we will abide within these primitive social laws that you are creating, we do not like what you are doing to our country.
You can only kick a dog so many times before it will bite you and, as a nation, we constitute one seriously large hound, and millions of us have been sharpening our teeth on the bones of the grief and despair that YOU have caused us for four years now. We do not forgive; we do not forget. Unless you are prepared to stop the madness that you are practising, Expect Us because we WILL come and we WILL mete out proper justice to those who have harmed us. The sentence for crimes against humanity, as established by Hague precedent, is death.
This is not a threat; it is a warning, which I strongly suggest that all of you in government, today and in the future, think about long and hard. If you ignore it, and what I am warning you about comes to pass, I will become an active participant on the side of liberty, which is why I have said “we” and not “they” all through this message. I will be committed to the utter destruction of the financial-industrial moguls who are destroying my country’s democracy, including those in your poodle media who have lied like cheap North Korean wristwatches to the public on your behalf as well as at your behest. As a former military man I would prefer not to have to do this, because I have seen some of the results of the kind of civil war that would erupt here. I once saw a photograph of a rapist who turned informer in order to escape imprisonment, discovered by the IRA within their own ranks. Shot, stripped and left to be found dead, with his penis and testicles removed and left on his belly. Just one of many photos that I saw, that is the one that remains firmly fixed in my mind, because the organs were removed before he was shot, according to the post-mortem examination. Hatred can be a powerful motivator for a normally sane and balanced individual to commit such acts. That hatred burns at white heat within a huge number of people, millions of us in fact, who have been harmed by the Work and Pensions Secretary and his Ministers past and present, on the orders of the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Which reminds me, I must find my tweezers and magnifying glass.
Anyway, barbecue season is upon us, so I must away and buy lots of charcoal. Hopefully you will see sense and I will be able to use it all for barbecuing.
Darren Lynch