The Dorset Destroyers Wheelchair Rugby Club starts a Wheelchair Basketball Club in Jan 2018


On Wednesday, January 3rd 2018, The Dorset Destroyers Wheelchair Rugby Club will be starting taster sessions for a new wheelchair basketball club run by the same management team.

“The Dorset Devils” will be running alongside all our other clubs to compliment them.

We’ve had so many people asking if they knew where the nearest club was as they wanted to play, so it seemed the right thing to bring that sport forward from it’s our original launch date. Many people have said that they find the wheelchair rugby a bit too intense so didn’t want to do it, so it seemed like the natural thing to do next.

At the end of the day, all we want to do is to be able to give disabled people access to sports. It’s all about access for disabled people to play. (Y)

We’ve so far raised £16,000 to pay for all the wheelchairs with a great helping hand from Sport England and The Steve Bernard Foundation but we need help with raising funds to buy all the necessary equipment that goes with it.

So we will be selling items on e bay and asking for your help so that disabled people, whether you come from the military or civvy street get the chance to play whether recreationally or in the league.

We are fundraising for £1,500 on JustGiving to add to the other money we’ve got, but it’s vital that we can cover these costs for the first year so we can be more self-funding in the future(Y)

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