The law for E Scooters


People in Dorset considering buying an electric scooter – or E-Scooter – this Christmas are being urged to fully understand the law before they do.

Dorset Police are hoping to combat some of the myths about where you can and can’t ride e-scooters.While e-scooters are legally available to purchase, it’s currently against the law to ride a privately owned e-scooter in any public place in the UK. This includes roads, pavements, parks, town centres or promenades. The only place a privately owned e-scooter can be used is on private land.

This is because e-scooters are classified as Personal Light Electric Vehicles (PLEVs) so they are treated as motor vehicles. As such, if they are used on a road, pavement or public place they are subject to the same legal requirements as any motor vehicle.

Using a ‘motor vehicle’ on a road or other public place without:

Insurance – 6 points, £300 fine, seizure of vehicle Licence – penalty points, fine, seizure of vehicle

Failing to comply with construction and use legislation – ranging from non-endorsable fixed penalty to being reported to court for using in a dangerous condition

Impaired by alcohol/drugs – licence disqualification, fine or penalty points.

PC Jason Green, Road Casualty Reduction Officer with Dorset Police, said: “We understand that e-scooters are very tempting for Christmas presents, but we would urge people to fully understand the law first.

“If our officers find anyone using e-scooters in a public place, the scooter could be seized, and the rider reported for any offences.“I would also urge anyone using an e-scooter legally – i.e. on private land – to carefully consider their safety before doing so. All riders should wear a helmet, younger riders particularly, would benefit from additional protective clothing such as knee and elbow pads to minimise injury.”


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