Do you remember “Supergran” a British television series that aired in the 1980s. The show featured a character named Granny Smith, played by actress Gudrun Ure, who discovers that she has gained superhuman abilities after being hit by a magic beam from a spaceship. Granny Smith then uses her newfound powers to fight crime and protect her hometown. It was based on a series of children’s books written by Forrest Wilson. The TV series was a lighthearted and comedic take on the superhero genre, and it gained popularity for its humorous approach and entertaining storyline. The character of Supergran became a beloved figure.

Well this supergran is not played by Gudrun Ure but an anonymous person who should be just as beloved.

There is no way to introduce this clip without giving it away so without further ado, I give you SUPERGRAN XX

And if you like that, you will like this:

Every time a Zionist speaks up defending the Israeli genocide, our words should metaphorically silence them.

Douglas James

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