So, the news broke of the 4-year-old boy with pneumonia forced to sleep on the floor of a Leeds hospital due to lack of beds (due to Tory cuts).
The Tories had two responses: firstly, de Pfeffel’s refusal to look at the photo of the child (he took the journalist’s phone and put it in his own pocket!) And secondly, to tell a HUGE LIE (another one) to try to change the media narrative.
And the lie was….. that one of Matt Hancock’s adviser’s had been punched by a Labour protester. Two ‘Senior Tories’ told the BBC and ITV and the Daily Mail (and others) the LIE…. and they reported it as fact without question!
Kuenssberg (BBC) and Peston (ITV) tweeted it out and the Daily Fail immediately had it as their online headline!
It was utter bullshit!! It didn’t happen! A video soon emerged showing absolutely nothing of the sort had happened!
Kuenssberg and Peston later issued apologies. Meanwhile, the FACT that the Tories have been destroying (under-funding, cutting and privatising-in-record-amounts) our NHS was hidden.
Job done! Well…. ‘job done’ if people allow themselves to be lied to and vote Tory.
Not at all ‘job done’ if people decide they don’t want a government and a Prime Minister to constantly lie to them.
Not at all ‘job done’ if people decide they want to retain a health service that is free!
Not at all ‘job done’ if people decide to #SaveOurNHS and #VoteLabour
The fabulous little meme. below show the Tory LIE put out by the media, the apology, a response to the apology and a rather wonderful view on Peston and Kuenssberg! Finally, there’s a reminder of what decent journalists do!!
Tom Lane