Let the people speak:

Doreen Shaw

Coffey is never on top of her brief. She’d appeared in front of numerous committees before. She’s never prepared and treats committee members with contempt. Alas this is what passes for the majority of Sunaks front bench. Individuals promoted way beyond their capabilities.

Paul Clark

Little miss turnip strikes again, over promoted , out of her depth and to be honest she isn’t in the slightest bit interested because she’s part of a goverment whose mantra, sorry who’s modus operandi is ” it’s not our fault”.

Shirley Anne

She seems to be totally out of her depth. As well as purposely non-answering I also think she has no idea what responsibilities she holds. We can really see she is incompetent just like we have seen Tory government have been for over 3 years. Do not blame COVID or UKRAINE. COVID has just shown how incompetent and arrogant the Tory government is.

Jeremy Burke

Am sorry like but a cannot understand how she has such a well paid job and has a hand in trying to run the country! God help us all.

But please NEVER let Therese speak.

And people vote for this?

Penny Lane

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