Have You Booked Yet?
There is still time to book a place on many of our sessions. Now in its 4th year this unique local festival runs from 2-10 July and offers you the opportunity to try something new or to learn more about a subject that interests you. The sessions are led by local people who have volunteered their time, skills and knowledge. All the sessions are FREE but booking is essential as only a finite number of places are available for each session.
We have places available for:
DIY Zine making (mini magazines – perfect for making a little scrapbook of all those holiday mementos)
Staying Independent in your own home
Top 10 Apps for 2016
Stress Prevention for Busy People
Walking Football
Cryptic Crosswords
Singing with a Rubbish Band!
Writing for Fun and Therapy
Managing Life with a Long Term Health Condition
Gymnastics for Adults
How to Crowdfund Workshop
To find out more and to book go to: www.dorchestertrythis.org.uk or call 07880 823801(6-8pm weekdays). Printed programmes are available at many locations around the town including the Tourist Information Centre, the Library and the Plaza cinema.