Update Relating to the Removal of Allotments in Wimborne


In response to: 

Developers Removing Allotments in Wimborne

‘Whilst these are not statutory allotments, the policy for development of this site (WMC5) requires new allotments to be provided before holders have to vacate the existing site. This development also makes provision for additional open space, and Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) provision which will open up access to the river in this location.

The need for new housing in this area is significant, especially the chance to rent or buy an affordable dwelling. Site opportunities within urban areas are limited and normally quite small scale, and thus often make little or no provision for affordable housing, open space or other infrastructure.

As part of the work on the Core Strategy, a decision was taken to allocate suitable new greenfield housing sites which would provide a greater quantum of housing, increased amounts of affordable housing, and allow opportunities to create new infrastructure and community facilities provision. The search for these sites was made through a master planning exercise undertaken by specialist consultants. This was undertaken in two stages, and I have attached a link to the studies for you.’



Simon Trueick

Partnership Planning Policy Manager

Christchurch and East Dorset Councils

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