We all know about Jane Austen, that demure little lady sitting mouse-like at her writing desk, trembling at the creak of the door in case someone should catch her scratching away with her quill. What could the daughter of an impoverished country vicar know about the world? And yet there are hundreds of websites out there asking What Would Jane Do? What did she have to say about the US Presidential Election, social Issues, the environment in the 21st century? Jane Austen Demure? NO WAY. Hear the truth in the new play “What Would Jane Do?” at the Crooked Book in Boscombe on the 11th of September. Hear what Jane actually had to say about Partying, drinking too much, dancing all night. It’s all there in her letters to her sister Cassandra. Hear what she says about dating, crushes and marriage. Money, poverty and shopping. Hear what she (nearly) says about the Internet, Bluetooth and email. What she (Almost) says about playing the ukele and trying to get washing machines to work.
“What Would Jane Do?” is the latest hilarious collaboration between well-known Bournemouth Actress Trisha Lewis and acclaimed playwright Peter John Cooper. Later in the year it will be touring throughout the country but here is a chance to see it on your doorstep at the Crooked Book , 725 Christchurch Road, Boscombe. 7 for 7.30.