With all the poison reigning down on the Tory government and backbenchers who voted to cut the support allowance for the disabled one group has so far got away with it. Those who voted for them. Not anymore though. A campaign is now under way for those who voted Tory to enable the disabled up and down the country to get in contact (should they desire it) and have it explained to them why moving money supporting them has been reprioritised to funding the rich friends of Tory grandees/donors is such a great idea. The aim is to provide telephone numbers; addresses; emails; social media details; favourite restaurants or bar stools… anything that would provide an opportunity to communicate to begin.
So please use social media or posters… to give out your details and explain yourselves.
BTW – if you know of anyone who is shy and would like a helping hand that would be great too.
To start us off here all the contact details for County councillors across Dorset. All other counties are seconds away on the net.
Douglas James