Andrew Neil goes all Marxist


Firstly, let us remind ourselves:

The Marxist notion of added value, known as surplus value, is a central concept in Karl Marx’s critique of capitalism. It refers to the value created by workers that exceeds the wages they receive. According to Marx, workers generate more value through their labour than they are paid for, and this surplus is taken by the capitalist (the owner of the means of production) as profit.

In essence:

  • Workers produce goods or services that are worth more than their wages.
  • The difference between the value produced and the wages paid is surplus value.
  • This surplus is the source of profit for capitalists, which Marx argues leads to exploitation, as capitalists benefit from the unpaid portion of workers’ labour.

For Marx, surplus value is crucial to the functioning of capitalist economies and underpins the class struggle between workers and capitalists.

And then let’s take a look at Mr Neil’s comments on the far right owner of GB News taking over The Spectator:

I know! Beggars belief doesn’t it?

As one very astute person on X commented:

Andrew Neil, here and again we see how our intentionally Darwinian, grab-whatever-you-can and Fuck you it’s mine version of belligerent capitalism is excellent and cannot be improved, right up until it threatens the livelihoods of people who actually matter.’

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