Roll up! Roll up! It will be all over by Christmas, and you can come home to a hero’s welcome. Remember that? It did not work out like that, though, did it? Most did not come home, and those who did never got over their physical and mental terrors. A lost generation.

Then along came 1939. More murder and mayhem, just on a bigger scale. More killing people, just like us, who were brainwashed into perceiving us as enemies who we had never met or had a personal quarrel with. More physical and mental terror for us, and more huge profits and titles for the corporations and their complicit politicians.

But never mind that. Boris Johnson is making the rallying call. Will he be signing up? Will he be willing to sacrifice his own children to join any potential slaughter? Of course not. If anything, they will be splattered with fake medals and hidden away in an office, enjoying life without interruptions. It is not them will that will be sacrificed. It will be the same old, same old. The dispensable. You and me!

Those who fall for it have my sympathy. Conned out of the cradle and conned into the grave.

What we should all be doing is suggesting they go and fight the wars they start. And then, when they are buried under Portland limestone, granite, or slate, we can all breathe a sigh of relief and get on with our lives.

James Finlayson

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