Let’s start here:
Musk supports the AFD & Tommy Robinson.
His grandparents were members of the Canadian Nazi Party.
His father moved the family to South Africa because he supported the apartheid regime.
He believes “race determines crime.”
He pushes the racist & antisemitic ‘Great Replacement’ conspiracy theory.
He ends his speech with “…securing the future of civilisation” (Google ‘Fourteen Words’) & *then* does this ‘gesture’ *twice,* but it’s not a Nazi salute???

You people ah-yeah-butting this away are a disgrace. The line has been getting closer & closer & closer, and now we have actual Nazi salutes & it *still* isn’t enough for you?
You see history repeating itself before your eyes, and all you can do is offer gutless apologia?? You disgust me. You people are why holocausts happen.
‘Ah, but he’s autistic!’ One, he ‘diagnosed’ himself (of *course* he did) & two, autism = Nazism, does it? Christ, you sicken me.
‘Ah yeah, but he didn’t mean it! He only did it to own the libs!’ I see. I wonder what might happen next to ‘own the libs’? Segregation? Camps & cattle trucks? That’d *really* show those leftard soy boys & LGBTQ gender benders, wouldn’t it?
You moral cowards, you tech bro simps, you bootlickers in thrall to wealth & power, are why Holocausts happen. They couldn’t do it without you. You spent five years smearing a decent man as an ‘antisemite’ & here you are excusing a real life Nazi Bond villain. Christ, honestly…
Now, today, this minute, is the bit in the history book when the incredulous child looks up at his teacher & asks, ‘but why didn’t someone do something?’
These people, the whole putrid cabal, on both sides of the pond – Trump, Musk, Farage, Robinson, & their sycophants in government & media, are the enemies of humanity. And now their masks are off.
You better start doing something now. While you’ve still got the chance…