18.4 C
Monday, September 16, 2024
We get a one off shot at electing ward councillors every four years. 75 councillors for thirty three BCP wards. As matters stand now in Spring 2023 I think many would agree we have not known our country in a worse state going back many decades. Medical staff in our National...
Following yet another potentially devastating leakage in to our seas those who oppose safer, cleaner and healthier alternatives have come under scrutiny yet again. Whether it be the corporate apolcalypse being imposed on nature across the world or in the Tory saturated county of Dorset people are being elected...
The Conservatives are currently at about 20% in the polls. The only ones left supporting them are those who still believe the corporate propaganda being spwewed by much of the corporate media or those who have been conditioned to suck until told to stop. A General Strike is getting closer...
Dedicated workers who keep our public services going - nurses, teachers, posties, ambulance and transport workers - don’t want to be on strike. But, after years of austerity pay cuts, the government has given them no choice. In the last ten years nurses’ pay has fallen by 11% leaving...

No Voter ID No Voting

The backdrop to this government action is this: The UK has low levels of proven electoral fraud. There remains no evidence of large-scale electoral fraud in 2021. There remains no evidence of large-scale electoral fraud in 2019. In 2018, there was no evidence of large-scale electoral fraud. Of the 266 cases that were investigated...
Former minister Conor Burns has had the Tory whip restored after being cleared of “serious misconduct” at the party conference in October. In a statement, the party said that after reviewing all the available evidence it had concluded there was “no basis on which to investigate further” and that the matter...
Christopher Chope tries to weasel out of his previous statements about his feeding the rich taxation policy but Susannah Reid is having none of it. For those struggling to remember Mr Chope His Mussolini moment: https://dorseteye.com/christopher-chope-considering-forming-fascist-militia-the-blue-shirts/ More Mussolini https://dorseteye.com/christopher-chope-blocks-upskirting-legislation/ Don't you love them? Why they appeal to any human is beyond me. Rattlesnakes I get...
Following his sacking last week https://dorseteye.com/conor-burns/ Conor Burns has spoken briefly to the media condemning Liz Truss: “We used to live in a country where the rule of law, natural justice and a process took place.”MP Conor Burns tells @serenabarksing he won’t be returning to parliament until an enquiry into the...
Liz Truss has sacked trade minister Conor Burns from her government "with immediate effect" following an allegation of serious misconduct. The Tory MP for Bournemouth West has also had the whip suspended while the complaint is investigated. A No 10 spokesman said: "Following a complaint of serious misconduct, the prime minister...
Tobias Ellwood probably did well to stay in Moldova. If he had rushed back he would have seen an inebriated PM and Culture Secretary making the country look even more ridiculous that they have managed thus far. And the minister who wouldn't get on a parish counsel let alone a...