Five Conservative councillors standing for the party in this week’s local elections in England, have been suspended for alleged racism and Islamophobia in recent years – including one who suggested banning mosques and another who accused Muslims of being on a “quest to turn the world Muslim”.

The dossier by Hope Not Hate has revealed that Beverley Dunlop, a councillor in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, commented on Facebook that “Until [Muslims] are more frightened of the British government (because they and their families might get deported) than they are Isis nothing will change”, and separately posted, “I hate to ban anything really but I’d suggest we start with mosques!”.

After the dossier was published, the Conservatives said they had suspended anyone who was a party member, but Dunlop, who was suspended in 2019, is listed as the Tory candidate in her ward for the ballot on 4 May.

Dunlop has said her comments were “written in jest” and taken out of context “to make me appear something I am not”. She also says that she subsequently recieved death threats.

Not sure how what she wrote could be considered ‘jest’ but it takes all sorts.

In fact comments like those spouted by Ms Dunlop have lead to tragic consequences such as this:

At the time, according to a local newspaper, a local college lecturer expressed his concerns:

‘Osman Ahmed, a lecturer in sports therapy at Bournemouth University, told the Daily Echo he has written a formal complaint to top BCP Council officers calling for a review by the standards board.

In his letter to Tanya Coulter, service director legal and democratic, and Richard Jones, head of democratic services, he said: “I have spoken to many Muslim friends and family in the local area who are all shocked and appalled by The Guardian report.

“Tellingly, many of my non-Muslim friends and family have also reached out to me and are equally upset as to these comments being made.”’

Georgie Laming, director of campaigns at Hope Not Hate, said: “There is an alarming trend of Conservative party candidates and councillors who have been exposed for racism, Islamophobia, antisemitism and as crank conspiracy theorists. Their vetting and disciplinary systems either don’t work or are inconsistent. All mainstream parties must have a zero tolerance policy. The Conservative Party has a long way to go to prove this.”

Racism in any form is unacceptable and should not be tolerated in any professional or personal setting. It is important for elected officials to represent and serve their communities with respect and dignity, regardless of their political affiliation or beliefs. If anyone is aware of any instances of racism or discriminatory behaviour by public officials, it is important to report it to the appropriate authorities or organisations for investigation and action.

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