24.9 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024
You should have received your Council Tax bill for the year 2019/20 at the beginning of March. We’ve compiled answers to commonly asked questions that we know you’ve been asking, and hopefully have debunked some myths along the way. What is Council Tax? Council Tax is a type of local taxation...
I have written to the House of Commons Procedure Committee, the speaker’s office and Sir Oliver Letwin as follows: I understand that yesterday’s (Wed 27th March) indicative votes were all yes/no votes though cast on paper rather than through the lobbies. All of them failed to attain a majority. I...
It must be like a scene from The Walking Dead at election time in Christchurch. Nobody with their cerebral cortex attached or who has any sense of irony would vote for Christopher Chope. Where are the rest of the population? The young? The non feeble minded? Perhaps they are...
I have been doing some research across twitter, looking at various politics hashtags & accounts. After searching through a numerous amount, I found an account called @MAY_A_PAIN (See pic attached) This account is the best one on twitter. They do everything UK politics - • Tweet about #PMQs • AIM tweets @theresa_may...
A Labour led Dorset Council will boost the local economy and protect the environment by transforming local democracy and bringing public services back under local democratic control, says Dorset Labour in their local government manifesto which was launched today (15 March). The manifesto, released to coincide with the start of...
Last call for Independent candidates in North and East Dorset as elections loom Independent political group Alliance for Local Living for Dorset (All for Dorset) is holding a series of public meetings this week, March 15 to provide information for potential independent candidates for May's local elections. ALL for Dorset is...
Independents in Dorset are calling on people to seize the moment to improve the system of local government in the county and make it better for every resident. As the county moves from separate district councils to a combined unitary authority, ALL for Dorset is urging prospective candidates to stand...
I have written directly to Chope asking him to explain his disgraceful behaviour in Parliament, again!
Sir Chris Chope, MP for Christchurch, will once again disgrace himself today, according to a fellow MP. His pedantic, ill-judged ‘principles’ will place children at further risk of harm. This is utterly disgusting that he puts himself above the needs of any child, let alone those at risk of female genital...
Poole Labour has selected its first group of candidates to contest May’s important elections to the new super council on 2 May. Each of them have lived in the area for many years and between them have a wealth of skills and experience in different fields from housing and...