16.2 C
Sunday, September 22, 2024
The health secretary Matt Hancock has come up with another ploy to deflect blame from the government for making the Covid 19 crisis worse through delay and mishandling. He's blaming the shortage of protective gear on medical workers for binning disposable gloves, gowns, and masks. https://twitter.com/Haggis_UK/status/1248867737423753217?s=20 The reason medical workers have...
No one should ever deny anti-Semitism within Labour. It must always be tackled head-on and eradicated for the cancer it is. We must deal in facts. Factually Labour has been the least anti-Semitic of the main parties, and least racist in general. In both cases, way less than the...
That Boris Johnson would catch Coronavirus was entirely predictable.  His sense of entitlement made him feel invulnerable, an attitude stemming from Eton, Bullingdon Club, etc etc.  His risky life style, the long string of affairs, infidelities and broken marriages are testament to this. Even as Foreign Secretary, he jetted off...
A man who appears to have spent most of his careers off his nuts on coke and 'Sweet Mary Jane' has endorsed the new Labour cabinet. A man who told us that the deficit he voted for in 2007/8 and 'inherited' in 2010 would be paid off by 2015...
Most commentators have pointed out the fact that government Minister after government Minister has failed to answer questions at the Daily Briefings. Earlier this week, Health Secretary Matt Hancock even stated: “Well, I’m going to not answer the first question….” which could be commended for honesty were it not...
Not sure that Keir Starmer's shadow cabinet will appeal to anyone apart from the metropolitan elite but we shall see. The corporate media will go easy on him because he does not threat their economic, social and cultural hegemony like Jeremy Corbyn did. https://twitter.com/LauraMStuart9/status/1247406017115230209?s=20 Where do you folks stand? Douglas James
Ten years ago, in April 2010, WikiLeaks released the famous ‘Collateral Murder' video, shot from an Apache helicopter gun-sight above Baghdad, depicting an attack with 30mm cannon fire which killed over a dozen people – including two Reuters journalists and which seriously injured two young children. The disturbing questions which this...
Initial thoughts: It’s basically not Blairites and not Corbynistas. My main concern is the lack of ‘leave’ MPs (I am a Remainer BTW). Lisa Nandy as Foreign Secretary is worrying. Genuinely very worrying. No Clive Lewis, Dawn Butler or Barry Gardiner is also odd for me. As is removing Shami...
Over the last few days many, many people have been saying something similar. Why is Matt Hancock suddenly prescribing a cut to footballer's wages when thousands are dying from a virus that the government has so far contributed to significantly? Is he doing the usual tactic of diverting attention away...
Govt: We're talking to supermarkets about food supplySupermarkets: You're not. Govt: There's a shortage of chemicalsChemicals companies: There isn't Govt: The science has changedScientists: No it hasn't Govt: We never got the emailEU: Yes you did (and you were in the meetings) Govt: 25,000 tests per dayPHE: 7,000 tests per day Govt: Ventilator companies...