16.2 C
Saturday, September 21, 2024
1. A stand promoting the Cayman islands (and obviously the tax avoidance opportunities available!) At the Party Conference of our bloody government?!! They're not even hiding it anymore!  2. Old white people (almost as many as were at the Brexit Company's Nazi-style rally last week) having clearly enjoyed the champagne...

Follow the Money

The United Kingdom is roughly 93 thousand square miles of magnificent loveliness. Unfortunately & despite Britain's magnificent loveliness leading #Brexiteers are unwilling to put their money where their mouths are & pay their taxes. Which is of course what #Brexit is all about What, you didn't know? In 2013 David Cameron wrote a...
The accumulation of wealth for its own sake is responsible for poverty because it is unnatural and false. It is anti-life. Human kind are the only creatures who have this imposed false narrative of being, every other creature and, indeed, most humans, merely want enough and having enough will get...

An ode to Boris

I'm a little fascist short and stout If you don't believe me watch my mouth. All I want from Britain is to have my way And fuck the people every day. Keith Ordinary Guy

The End Of Democracy

HOW OUR CIVILISATION ENDS? On the 30th January 1933, Hitler demanded that President von Hindenburg dissolve the Reichstag. A general election was scheduled for 5 March 1933. A secret meeting was held between Adolf Hitler and 20 to 25 industrialists in Hermann Göring's offices in the Reichstag Presidential Palace. Unsurprisingly these...

Well said Kerry-Anne

Boris Johnson is taking us towards a civil war. It is not about the People vs Parliament. It is about Etonian... con men... vs the rest of us. Making the UK great again is about liberating its people from poverty and debt not handing the keys over to an...
Over the past few years I have run a gamut of feelings about neoliberalism, anger, rage, despondency, futility, vengefulness, hatred, but lately all that has congealed and what I feel more than anything else is a virulent hatred for the appalling reality of the casual deaths neoliberalism not only...
75 year old Surgeon; Nurse; Porter... 75 year old Scaffolder 75 year old Lagger 75 year old Builder 75 year old Grave Digger 75 year old Bus driver  75 year old Train driver 75 year old Soldier 75 year old Sailor... The person benefiting from this idea? Is a 75 year old Millionaire/Billionaire Sam Wallander
Censorship is alive and well So when you think of Jersey and the Channel Islands you most likely think of either beaches and sunshine, or tax dodging domiciles. One thing that most likely won't cross your mind is left wing socialism. But we can assure you this is alive and well...
What corruption looks like and why Chris Wiliamson MP was right to say what he did. Yesterday I watched Angela Rayner on the Victoria Derbyshire show and I have to say that I was very disappointed by her inability to challenge the media narrative on anti-semitism. Why don’t our MPs ever...