18.8 C
Friday, September 20, 2024
He speaks for me on this. Douglas James Award Winning Independent Citizen Media Needs Your Help. PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
I have visited Notre Dame Cathedral a number of times over the years. I am not religious. It is just a beautiful and inspiring experience in which one can feel calm and in awe. I have never visited Grenfell. It was a construction to house people so much more unlikely...
We cannot know beforehand, every twist and turn of histories tangled path, for the record of our days like Time itself is linear, and, stretching out before us into the vast infinity of a colossal and largely unknown Cosmos, we mere mortals have but a short time to plot...
I worked for what is now the DWP for nearly forty-six years before I retired at the end of March. I have seen change constantly throughout my working life; Supplementary Benefit became Income Support which then became Jobseeker’s Allowance for the unemployed and Employment and Support Allowance for the sick...
I’m on a train to Cambridge for the funeral of a lovely bloke, Mike, I have known since I was 15 who just died suddenly and unexpectedly at 61. It seems only yesterday that we were celebrating his 60th birthday in his local pub. Tonight we will be back...
Those soldiers pictured with Tommy Robinson, and now soldiers shooting at a picture of Jeremy Corbyn because of 'security concerns' is beyond the pale. While of course all individuals must take responsibility for their own actions...A reminder: *Jo Cox was MURDERED, with the culprit literally citing Britain First when doing...
Can you believe these repulsive people? Let's have a nationwide boycott or sack these putrid waste of oxygen. I know plenty of women who will bring their humanity in to the studio and not leave it in their underwear drawer. https://twitter.com/RespectIsVital/status/1112893300887961600 Douglas James
By selecting obnoxious twerps as its contributors, the media is changing the character of the nation If our politics is becoming less rational, crueller and more divisive, this rule of public life is partly to blame: the more disgracefully you behave, the bigger the platform the media will give you....
It is worth bearing in mind that a government is not the country, it is not the people, it is not society and, most especially, it is not community or the daily reality of people's lives. Good governance is like grease on a bearing, never to be confused with the...
The charlatans are at it again. Across the Gory party nothing but lies and back stabbing. https://twitter.com/Femi_Sorry/status/1110480934380412930 https://twitter.com/LBC/status/1110509339440226307 https://twitter.com/JackDunc1/status/1110520673649205248 https://twitter.com/gavinesler/status/1110513724576710656 Douglas James