14.6 C
Friday, September 20, 2024
The war of words between Tony Blair and Theresa May over the last few days is quite revealing – not of Blair’s known position regarding the Brexit mess, but because the Prime Minister’s rant showed her weakness.  Her position is unsustainable and the last thing she wanted was unwelcome...
I wake up every morning and think I'll just pop in to the local supermarket and stock up for the fridge and freezer. Then I'll get a train to London and re boot my fashion and style. I might even set up a luxury electronics business and anything else that...

Britain’s heart is broken

How do I know that Britain's heart is broken? I know it because I am living it and living with the grief of it moment by moment. I know it because my own heart is broken. I know it because I see who and what broke it. I've seen...
Sent to: [email protected], Maria Miller MP, [email protected], [email protected] Subject: UC Claimant Requirements and Advertising Good morning. Like everyone else who's eventually going to be subjected to being an unwilling guinea-pig for the train-wreck that is Universal Credit, I've been following the news reports that have been appearing lately. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/universal-credit-claimants-told-a… I see from the above...
Dorset Police is issuing a reminder to the farming community to ensure they correctly secure sharp tractor loader implements when travelling on public roads. In May earlier this year, officers attended a serious collision in the Furzebrook area of Wareham where a car collided with a tractor. The loading forks...


Regardless of whether you're Brexit or Remain, maybe you should not have even voted in the EU Referendum at all.   I say this, simply because you may not have been fully aware of the ATAD facts before making that X in the box that stopped us being a united kingdom.   Sometimes...
As a hippy, back in the sixties, I had my awakening to the awareness of war, nuclear weapons and mutually assured destruction (MAD), the horrors of the Vietnam war, and I became a self declared (ignorant) pacifist - a peacenik. I faced a, then, common question to pacifists, "What would...
Well Guido claims a victory for getting Margaret Thatcher shortlisted to be on the new £50 note. Here is an alternative voice clearly explaining why she should not be. https://twitter.com/georgegalloway/status/1052604347899621376 Douglas James
Seismic shifts in personal consciousness happen. For me this has been going on for months now and I can see the tantalising bits of cloth floating around me, but I can't get my fingers on them to read what's in the weave and weft to gather a fuller picture. Part...

Brexit and the Labour Party

How many people, having joined the Labour Party in a swell of optimism at the thought of getting a truly socially-minded government via Jeremy Corbyn, are now at the point of dropping the dream along with the membership – not because they have lost their conviction that Labour would...