14.3 C
Friday, September 20, 2024
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Sanctions Regime is the presumption of authority to negatively and punitively impact the lives of others without their permission and against their will. Sanctions are the denial of the sovereign being of others, imposing life affecting (and ending) punishments without trial and...

Wake up white men!

Trump is only majority popular with white men. Over here, Corbyn is majority popular with everyone else but white men. I am a man. I cannot be more embarrassed and ashamed of my fellow white men for being Grade-A pricks. Get a grip white men!!! It's YOU stopping society changing for the...
I am not a fan of facebook as it seems to be a platform for making me feel shit about my life. I am sure everyone lies about their wonderful lives on it. So, here is my interpretation of what is really being said on Facebook… Wow..suitcase packed off on...
On Saturday night my mom, Grandma & I went to see Chris Stapleton. After the encore, we filed into the stream of people leaving the event. It was crowded, but not packed. I felt something hit me from behind, specifically hitting the right side of my butt. I turned around,...
I am not a scientist. I do not understand bio chemistry. I have no comprehension of what it takes to stop becoming a caring person who abandons what the German sociologist Max Weber called 'verstehen'. It must surely take some kind of acute trauma to make the transition from...
As some of you know I was sexually abused as an eight-year-old altar-boy for a number of years by a Catholic priest. Last week – my life froze for two days, as I sat glued watching the US Supreme Court nomination hearings and their aftermath, where Christine Blasey-Ford outlined her...
Dear friends, I would like to apologise for my long silence. It's not over yet, but I do feel able to say a few things for now. I am ageing hippy and one of lifes basket cases who has struggled all my life. I started smoking at the age of 10...
Short and sweet: John McDonnell has put forward policies aimed at anyone who actually likes and cares about their fellow citizens in this country - regardless of class or income. Banker gamblers, PFI gravy train merchants, private leeches on our public services and all the rest of the globalisation/austerity merchants:...

The bitter truth is this

The #extremists of this world hate intellectualism! Whether they be far right nut-jobs like Trump - Bannon - Farage; or even tired old religious nut-jobs, it does not matter? These types hate independent thought, critical thinking, & science. Indeed these extremists hate anything which challenges their world view. They have created a world...

A Message to Tom Watson…

So Tom Watson, is not going to the Labour conference this year, I have a clear message for Tom Watson, get lost and don't come back. Here is what happened last year, and still the t*** is not deselected, they should all go and go fast. Have just seen this post...