24.9 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024
The excellent Vice UK broadcast this short film in 2015 in which they interact with demonstrators in Newcastle on a march supporting the far-right, anti-Islamic movement Pegida which stands for “Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West”. Founded in Germany in 2014 it has since spread throughout western Europe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJaiJ_maUEY Speaking...
So I was talking to an old Greek guy and his wife yesterday, and she said I hear you have a big problem with fascists in London! I didn't even talk about politics, I'm on holiday, and I had no idea about the fascists out in force protesting to...
No doubt he will explain in due course and he appears to care not one jot that he is fast becoming one of the most unpopular politicians in the country, but this appears at first sight to be well beyond the pale even for him. Given his track record and...

Let’s talk pollution

Do you like smoking fags in your children’s bedroom? How about breathing out your nicotine infused lung poison in your children’s face? No? Why then do you like cars belching out fumes on Weymouth Esplanade, the ‘drive thru’ at McDonalds / KFC or even while having a pint at...
How dare they. How bloody dare they... try and blame those that came to rescue. How bloody dare they... look for a scapegoat for those that died in Grenfell Tower! Stay put was good advice, yes it bloody was... in the way Grenfell was originally designed! But those disgusting local government...
The only explanation that I hear is that people are shopping on line, and to some extent that is true, what I think people are not considering is that now so many people are on minimum wage and zero hours contacts that no one has money to spend on...
Anyone who reads The Sun and believes a syllable did not deserve to leave the birth canal. Can you spot 12 flaws? The answers are below. Not only does it imply the MP's would read it but also it has a few other issues. Not least the fact that it looks like...
Saturday 9th June 2018 the day when fascism made its ugly return to the streets of the capital. With shades of Oswald Moseley from the 1930's and the union flag used as a brand for some sort of belonging mostly drunk disempowered working class men rampaged against the police....
I see you doing your best reporter impression to the camera, your smartest big boy jacket on, doing your level best to keep facade-breaking snarl out of your voice. I see your baffled little face as you’re approached by the police, angrily protesting that you had no idea this...
Has any right wing organisation/party ever held a march/static demo in defence of the NHS? Or against attacks on the disabled? Maybe against unfair work practices? What about campaigning for workers rights? Maybe out in demos against the Westminster Paedo ring, the BBC Paedo ring? Did any right wingers support the justice for the...