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Monday, September 16, 2024
What is Dry Rot? Dry rot is an aggressive form of fungal growth also known as Serpula Lacrymans. It is a wood destroying fungi that feeds off the cellulose in timber in order to grow and spread. This process leaves timber in a dry and brittle state and can weaken structural...
As one can imagine the public response to Priti Patel and her department wasting hundreds of thousands of pounds of tax payers money on themselves whilst denying poor children meals during half term and denying NHS staff more than a 1% pay rise has gone down rather badly. What with...
Keir Starmer and David Evans now lead an openly racist, antisemitic, bullying, hypocritical, authoritarian disgrace of a Party. They are now briefing *THE SPECTATOR-SEE ATTACHED PHOTOS, THE S*N & THE DAILY MAIL* whilst bullying and being antisemitic to our own Jewish members. With total impunity. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/new-year-new-keir-how-the-labour-leader-will-change-tack-in-2021?fbclid=IwAR3UreFIOLojeEBuhm0Ai9_FBFms8SAYtdrV9qb-elZg7CeMPTAJux5-WvM One has to hand...
Tony Parsons the man who went from credibility to Toryland. The weekly music magazine New Musical Express (NME) advertised for new writers in the summer of 1976, Parsons submitted a novel to the editor, Nick Logan, and was rewarded with a staff writer job. For the next three years he wrote about new...
Ok, always dangerous making generalisations, and obviously this does not apply to all, but the Labour right are often genuinely incredibly odd people. Some of them are the worst humans I have ever had the unfortunate ‘pleasure’ of dealing with. This is a great example - Luke Akehurst saying...
A senior trade union official at the RMT, Steve Hedley, gets it spot on when being interviewed by far right Reform UK leader Richard Tice and right wing journalist Isabel Oakeshott. Case for the prosecution: Oakeshott wants to ban free speech. A classic fascist characteristic. Oakeshott wants protests banned.Millions want Oakeshott banned...
Jonathan thinking out loud what many keep hidden. Classic and sooo true. To all of those who voted for the Tories in 2019, do not say you were not warned: COVID-19 Controversies: As Secretary of State for Health and Social Care during the COVID-19 pandemic, Hancock faced criticism for various aspects of...
Stewart chooses his metaphors very carefully and precisely. No more than this one for Hatie Hopkins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THdl2If5prw Just some of her putrid remarks Comments on Migrants: In a 2015 column for The Sun, Hopkins referred to migrants crossing the Mediterranean as "cockroaches" and suggested using gunboats to stop them, dehumanising those fleeing war...
Jeremy Kyle Jeremy Corbyn Antisemitism Talk TV
What provoked me to write this article is Odious Kyle's attempt to get away with lying about Jeremy Corbyn. Otherwise, I would have ignored it like most people try to. Who is Odious Kyle? Jeremy Kyle, a British television presenter, is known for hosting "The Jeremy Kyle Show," which was a...
For those who are unaware of who Jacqueline Wilson is. Jacqueline Wilson, a prolific British author, has captivated the hearts and minds of young readers for decades. Born on December 17, 1945, in Bath, England, Wilson's extensive body of work has been instrumental in shaping contemporary children's literature. Her stories,...