13.1 C
Monday, September 30, 2024
It is hard to disagree with this guy. Many have fallen for Hancock's appearance on 'I'm a complete tw** keep me in here forever' but those who haven't sneezed their brains out are still on the money. A quick reminder of the reality of Matthew Hancock https://dorseteye.com/jonathan-pie-on-matthew-hancock-and-he-does-not-hold-back/ Penny Lane Join us in helping...
Son: "Dad, I think I'm old enough now. Is there a Santa Claus?." Dad: "Ok, I agree that your old enough. But before I tell you, I have a question for you. You see, the “truth” is a dangerous gift. Once you know something, you can't unknow it. Once you...
It does not matter people's opinion of Andy Burnham. What is important is that he is standing by one of the few MP's who give a sh**. Brilliant speech from Andy Burnham on why Ian Byrne is such a great MP. Ian Byrne is a “we” politician in an era...
George Carlin suggests that once individuals give up their identity and join groups (even as small as two members) they become the problem. As articulated by Dave Lloyd: People as individuals are nice, generally helpful and caring people. As a group, they are panicky, disrespectful, and most importantly, stupid, simply...
Because Twitter threads aren’t working at the moment (thanks Elon!), I’m republishing a chain of tweets about how we should rise to the challenge of democratic collapse. Here’s where I think we now stand, and how we should respond. A thread. 1. There is a global trend towards political impunity. In many nations,...
Interesting thing happened to me yesterday. I bumped into an old friend, retired paramedic, who had fought on the front lines with me for years to try to stop the Health and Social Care Act 2012 coming into law. We failed of course. Anyway, there he was large as...
We have a fairly good idea of those who are and those who are not. We know those who always put the persecuted... first and those who scorn them. WE KNOW!! Mick Lynch with a question for every single Labour MP.#MondayMorningMick pic.twitter.com/wrlipT7Fxe— Saul Staniforth (@SaulStaniforth) November 14, 2022 Douglas James Join us in...
On 11th November, three people were sentenced for their participation in the Bristol uprisings against the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act on 21st March 2021. While many cases are still awaiting sentence or are going through the Courts, at least 15 people have so far been convicted of...
On 11th November, three people were sentenced for their participation in the Bristol uprisings against the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act on 21st March 2021. While many cases are still awaiting sentence or are going through the Courts, at least 15 people have so far been convicted of...
If you would like to send Roger a message while he's in prison, please send an email here: [email protected] As you may have heard, Roger handed himself in to the police after a raid on his house, orchestrated by The Sun newspaper. Roger is now being held on remand in prison...