14.3 C
Sunday, September 29, 2024
Put arrogance and ignorance together and what does one get? Tory MP's. Put them together with an intelligent articulate person? Inept incompetence! They really should know better. Douglas James Join us in helping to bring reality and decency back by SUBSCRIBING to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1Ll1ylCg8U19AhNl-NoTg and SUPPORTING US where you can: Award Winning Independent...
Stuart Murdoch is a Scottish musician, writer and filmmaker, and the lead singer and songwriter for the band Belle and Sebastian. Here he, like many intelligent and astute people, nails exactly what the Tories are about and questions how anyone still doesn't get it. “What an insult that we should be expected to eat...
This represents my view on 'cancel culture'. Completely the wrong phrase. It should always be 'accountability' for the words said not whether we are allowed to say them. He takes on John Cleese and JK Rowling with total perceptiveness and maturity. One of the most sensible takes on ‘cancel culture’ I’ve...
In the car corner we have the Tory Brexiteer waiting for a coronery and taking it out on everyone around them and in the pavement corner we have the calm citizen just watching and occasionally being accosted. The ending is the ultimate symbolism of where Britain is ending up...
Anyone who wants to know how they are being conned and cheated out of decency by a corrupt national and international establishment look no further. Summed up perfectly. If you prefer lies and deceit just walk on by as ever was. Jason Cridland Join us in helping to bring reality and decency back...
If you present or watch GB News try and think back to that huge sneeze in which the tissue was full of brain membrane. It will bring clarity. Here Mick Lynch does what he does best and destroys their purile and pathetic line of questioning and the utter morons who...
For decades, the anti-choice movement has attempted to brand itself as “pro-life,” but it’s not hard to see through their charade. As “pro-life” Republicans remain focused on criminalizing abortion, it’s not lost on Americans and others around the world that this is the exact same Republican party that is...
Paul Heaton, once of The Housemartins and then The Beautiful South, who is generally quite shy but get him on a topic like the legacy of Maragaret Thatcher and he becomes super articulate and super astute. And now Liz Truss is mimicking her and someone not fit to lick...
Top Labour party officials have messaged each other on WhatsApp to say I was “hideous”, “truly repulsive”, “literally makes me sick” and “a very angry woman”. To this day ⁦@Keir_Starmer⁩ has never apologised to me personally. https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/black-history-month-diane-abbott-forde-report-racism-b2196785.html#r3z-addoor Top Labour party officials messaged each other on WhatsApp to say I...
Jesus H Christ has he not read the New Testament and the words of his saviour? At least he has seen the light. Thank *** for one saving grace. Penny Lane Join us in helping to bring reality and decency back by SUBSCRIBING to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1Ll1ylCg8U19AhNl-NoTg and SUPPORTING US where...