Whatever side one has adopted, cleanse the mind and watch the following video with a critically open mind. If one does not have those tools, then move on.

Who is Glenn Greenwald?

Glenn Greenwald is an American journalist, lawyer, and author known for his work on issues related to civil liberties, government surveillance, and whistleblowing. He gained widespread recognition for his reporting on the documents leaked by Edward Snowden, a former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, in 2013. These documents revealed extensive government surveillance programs, sparking a global debate about privacy and government overreach.

Greenwald co-founded The Intercept, an online news publication, in 2013, which played a significant role in publishing stories based on Snowden’s leaks. Prior to his work with The Intercept, Greenwald wrote for various publications, including Salon and The Guardian.

His reporting on government surveillance and his advocacy for digital privacy and civil liberties have earned him both praise and criticism. Greenwald is often seen as a prominent advocate for whistleblowers and a staunch defender of First Amendment rights and free speech.

Now that we have a brief biography, listen to what he has to say and ask the questions that need asking.

Why didn’t the Dispatches programme treat the words of the victims with respect? The cinematic approach is a populist tool to manipulate. If these accusations are valid, no manipulation is required.

Why did such a long investigation (as we are led to believe) not involve the police at any time?

Why is the corporate media so readily prejudicing justice by enabling the public to form judgments instead of the courts?

Why are so many of the accusations being made public that are unproveable, given their nature and context?

Why does the corporate media prefer to destroy people without a balanced approach? It must be remembered that Russell Brand was given a right to reply only a day or so before publication and broadcast.

There are, of course, many other questions that a defense barrister may or may not get to ask, but to play this out in the public domain suggests that legal justice was never the intention. Another agenda is at play.

Many are suggesting this is the panacea:

None of this is an invitation to suggest that Brand is innocent. It is merely what any critical thinker should be contemplating.

Penny Lane

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