18.1 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Whatever one may think of the leaders of the main political parties their initial responses at this time (although driven by PR) are to think of those who may be hurt or worse. No matter the level of sincerity, they reach out. Then there is Gerard Batten the leader of...
Future corporate profits are officially more important than life on Earth. The human tragedy is that there is no connection between what we know and what we do. Almost everyone is now at least vaguely aware that we face the greatest catastrophe our species has ever confronted. Yet scarcely anyone...
A man who appears to have spent most of his careers off his nuts on coke and 'Sweet Mary Jane' has endorsed the new Labour cabinet. A man who told us that the deficit he voted for in 2007/8 and 'inherited' in 2010 would be paid off by 2015...
Who is Glen Matlock? Glen Matlock (born 27 August 1956) is an English musician, and the original bass guitarist of the punk rock band the Sex Pistols; having been introduced to guitarist Steve Jones, and drummer Paul Cook while working in Let It Rock - the precursor to SEX, Malcolm...
The government of millionaires is supposedly coming up with 'innovative' ideas to help reduce the impact of the cost of living crisis that has absolutely no impact upon them. These range from a £55 saving on annual MOT's to increasing the ration for childcare. I can feel your excitement...
Indulge yourself but avoid a hernia: https://dorseteye.com/gb-news-tory-brexit/ Be honest, without swearing could you have done it any better? "They're a bunch of right wing bigots."Mick Lynch says he won't be speaking to Nigel Farage, or "any other right wing militants", at GB News pic.twitter.com/IobEhAhr2c— PoliticsJOE (@PoliticsJOE_UK) November 30, 2022 With swearing of...
Try to imagine Jeremy Corbyn in Tony Blair’s post-political role: flying around the world, enriching himself by striking deals with tyrants and oil companies. Try to picture John McDonnell setting up, like Blair’s righthand man Peter Mandelson, a consultancy that gives reputational advice to controversial corporations. Try to picture Rebecca Long-Bailey being caught in...
I got no good news for you America. There's no way out of this now
I didn't watch the debate, because I had better things to do in the middle of the night here in England, like sleep, or stare out the window at the little pots they put on chimneys here for no obvious reason. The very idea of a debate in this election...
SILENCE reigned when Diane Abbott was abused day after day, year after year. Now though they want to bury the terminal abuse from inside their own party against people who genuinely want to help communities and society. The leaked report exposed the sordid reality of the centrist conspirators and...
Watching the morning news roundup on BBC2, whilst Boris Johnson presented his newly discovered "deal" to breech the Brexit deadlock - a solution hoped for by Johnson himself, his Tory Brexiteers; the financially well rewarded DUP and a few nondescript Labour MPs - it was notable amidst the anger...