11.8 C
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Sadly there are always children who are attracted to bullies and liars and then become one. But when it is a man who crosses the divide it is at a much higher level of sad. Ian Austin, now the bum licking Tory Lord who abandoned Labour when they were...
As one can imagine the public response to Priti Patel and her department wasting hundreds of thousands of pounds of tax payers money on themselves whilst denying poor children meals during half term and denying NHS staff more than a 1% pay rise has gone down rather badly. What with...
Despite Boris Johnson seeking to postpone the hugely controversial Policing Bill until after the local elections to prevent the massive backlash against the anti-democratic proposals impacting on the ballot box, we should still be very concerned. Under the proposed legislation any protest march or gathering can be banned for being...
Just a reminder: Keir Starmer does NOT think, despite courts proving corruption, Matt Hancock should resign. Despite investigations showing the Robert Jenrick corruption, Starmer does NOT think he should resign and actually supports the same man either directly taking charge, or indirectly via civil servants/commissioners, of Liverpool council. Starmer...
Welcome to the age of fear. Nothing is more corrosive of the democratic impulse than fear. Left unaddressed, it festers, eating away at our confidence and empathy. We are now firmly in a time of fear – not only of the virus, but of each other. Fear destroys solidarity. Fear...
All day the billionaire corporate media has painted a one sided picture that the protesters were entirely to blame and the police were innocent victims. Well it appears not. https://twitter.com/LouiseRawAuthor/status/1373918572272046080?s=20 At present the establishment are lucky that many refuse to put their head up and stand up for what they believe....
Crime is a social construction. It only occurs because humans create laws. Without laws there are no crimes. Therefore, the most obvious way to reduce crime is to reduce the number of laws we have. This is the simplest solution. The other way is to understand the reasons why people...
Ian Hislop surrounded by people on zoom applauding him nails how incompetent and out of touch this government is. In the same week as nurses get a 1% pay rise the government stick a middle finger up to them and the country. https://twitter.com/SickBagAlice/status/1372702887340605443?s=20 Douglas James PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A...
Keir Starmer has imposed on Hartlepool a candidate who is racist, sexist & a literal supporter of terrorists. Not to mention the Brexit stance...But it’s ok because he’s a doctor. 1. Who on earth locally is going to campaign for him if they are aware of all this? 2. Who on...
Defacing an inanimate concrete likeness of a dead racist - 10 years in prison.Raping a woman - 5 years in prison. If the sickness that grips this pitifully backward & hysterical island wasn't so horrifying it would be laughable. It's terminal, I do believe. The only thing uncertain is whether...