13.5 C
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
I’m extraordinarily flattered that Jeremy Corbyn has been readmitted into Labour on my birthday! In all seriousness, this is obviously complete humiliation for Starmer, the Gen. Sec Evans & U.K. Labour. They have handled this atrociously, putting Jewish comrades (pro or anti Corbyn) in incredibly difficult positions, they...
Jeremy Corbyn’s son Tommy re door stepping & the media: “There was a lot to get used to when Dad became leader but this shit was by far the worst. Literally a gang of the most obnoxious people you could imagine camped outside day and night. I remember the...
Should those who refuse covid vaccine remain isolated?
Nanny state is a term of British origin that conveys a view that a government or its policies are overprotective or interfering unduly with personal choice. Unsurprisingly the term was first coined by the notoriously right wing The Spectator in 1965 and then repeated by right wing figures from that moment on. These...
'There should be a book of Jonathan Pie one liners from all of his videos. The way he eloquently yet brutally describes the news is genius.' Here he describes his interaction with the US election whilst warning the US and the world that the majority of the American public wanted...
I have found it very weird that the more right wing a person is the more subservient they become to the red poppy and remembering those poor souls who had to abandon life for crooked politicians and corporations. Whatever war we analyse the right wing created it and then...
Some Labour members may hope that the report will draw to a close the party’s troubling antisemitism chapter. They could not be more wrong. It was easy to miss the true significance of last week’s Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) report on the British Labour Party and antisemitism amid...
Trump supporters dancing to Rage Against the Machine. Case closed on the US irony debate
Many have argued over the decades that the US public don't do irony. This is of course wrong. Many US citizens get irony. However, there is definitely a significant demographic in which irony is a language from another dimension. Trump supporters have just closed the debate. For supporters of a...
Many commentators are quietly saying that the UK government is using Covid-19 to protect itself from the shambolic way they have handled Brexit. Other commentators are saying that the government is using brexit to cover for the shambolic way they have handled the Covid-19 pandemic. Either way it is...
'As members of the Labour Party, we have written this letter to the leader Sir Keir Starmer to address the recent suspension of Jeremy Corbyn MP. We ask you to add your name and CLP in support if you are a current member of the Labour Party. Please note that...
I've had time to read the EHRC Report now in full and I welcome it. The Labour Party will no longer be able to get away with running a shambolic and corrupt Complaints system. In future where there is wrongdoing the Labour Party will have to act. The fact...