15.1 C
Monday, September 23, 2024
Sent to: Cabinet Office, HOC Enquiries, [email protected], Maria Miller MP Subject: Monkey see, monkey do Good afternoon. I see that corona hasn't taken long to become a new fear and control weapon in the hands of the bunch of total incompetents at the top of this country's useless government. Today we have HazMatt...
John McDonnell responds to 'Murdoch's gutter press'
Nice and brief but more real than any of the Murdoch outlets have ever been: https://twitter.com/johnmcdonnellMP/status/1299042293618544640?s=20 For those who have been in a long, long sleep: https://dorseteye.com/how-murdoch-uses-sex-to-trash-our-democracy/ https://dorseteye.com/remember-this-murdoch-hack-drove-denholm-elliot-s-daughter-to-suicide/ Douglas James
The far right play with their loins every night to the sound of Nigel Farage and his anti immigrants speeches. They really are the most ignorant, distracted, bigoted bunch of goons who are killing humanity with anger and hate. Prime time television with privileged obese white people churning out the...
'You're coming across like a posh coked up narwhal'
The Uk prime minister is at the UN. He gives a speech that receives wholesale sniggering. No wonder the UK is now the laughing stock of the world apart from those who worship the far right nazi gods day and night. https://twitter.com/docrussjackson/status/1298711477730213888?s=20 Douglas James
George Monbiot
Boris Johnson’s attack on our planning laws is both very new and very old. It is new because it scraps the English system for deciding how land should be used, replacing it with something closer to the US model. It is old because it represents yet another transfer of power...
The 1 minute 26 seconds that scared the sh** out of the establishment
They tried every trick in the book to ensure he did not expose their law breaking and corruption. They did everything they could to lie to and deceive the public to ensure he became for many 'unelectable'. They fixed democracy from their positions of power whilst the majority were...
Omg. Just got an email through from the labour party. I am being I investigated for antisemitism over this tweet Kieren McHale Another responded: 'They trawled back to 2015 looking for 'evidence' and they told me if I was worried I could ring the Samaritans or contact my GP. Odd that working...
Over 13 million people wanted an incompetent Tory government. Luckily for them they got one
December 12 2019. The population turned up with the aim, on the one hand, of voting for a party that would turn the country around and then on the other hand those who saw the iceberg in front of them and shouted 'full steam ahead'. Since then the lifeboats have...
Jonathan Pie on yet more Tory government corruption: Public Health England
Dido Harding, who‘s heading the new health body, is married Tory MP John Penrose, who sits on the advisory board of think tank 1828. Their manifesto recommends replacing the NHS with an insurance system. I keep saying it: The NHS isn’t safe under the Tories. https://twitter.com/JonathanPieNews/status/1295663758325551105?s=20 Update: If you like our content...
The first part of this article owes much appreciation to https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/ who have completed a detailed report in to the trustworthiness of the Daily Fail (Mail). 'IS IT A QUESTIONABLE SOURCE? A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to...