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Sunday, September 8, 2024
Home Dorset North Dorset Travellers - Dorset North

Dorset Travellers - Dorset North

Changes are being brought in across the Dorset Council area to make car parking charges more consistent. From early next year, drivers using any Dorset Council car park will be charged for parking 8am to 8pm, Monday to Sunday. This extends the chargeable period by two hours in most areas and introduces paying to park on...
Hitchhiking across Western Europe is pretty safe compared to the other parts of the world, even for single women. However, there are still many negative connotations attached to this activity. Usually, you hear about hitchhiking in a not-so-positive way. Your parents or teachers will tell you about all the...
The idea of a national road pricing scheme has reportedly been revived by the chancellor as the green car revolution applies brakes to £40bn of annual tax revenue. The Treasury, according to The Times, is exploring ways in which Rishi Sunak can replace lost fuel duty and vehicle excise duty (VED) -...
I've grown up with America... I guess we all have. I remember Super Hero comics fresh from the indoor market stall in my birth town of Glossop, or from a local newsagent during our regular holidays in Blackpool. That sweet 'bubble gum' smell... I always loved the mysterious adverts...

In Asda at Tilbury

In Asda at Tilbury at Asda in Tilbury, Essex, England. One steps through a dog end fag butted foot bath by the electronic sliding doors into a vaped haze decompression chamber. Here the multi~ national grocer must take note in an on~time~food~chain~management kind of way the difference between instrumentation and orchestration how cauliflowers ploughed back into...
Dorset Police are working with DocBike and Dorset Road Safe Partnership to launch a campaign seeking to buck the trend in springtime biker fatalities.  In Dorset, per mile travelled, more motorcyclists will be killed or critically injured than any other road user.  Nationally, approximately 10 motorcyclists are killed or...

Hogwarts by Bus?

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A young lad sat next to me and promptly fell asleep, I’m envious of people who can do that! He got woken by a guard who wanted to check his ticket and I noticed that he also had a global pass. There were many other people in the carriage who also...
If you are looking to break the monotony of your daily life and relax then there is no better activity to invest in other than travelling. Travelling allows you to experience new and adventurous things and learn a lot about people and different cultures and traditions. Travelling is extremely enjoyable...

The Final Destination: Munich

My train was leaving at 10.14 the next day, the RJ60 and I managed to get a tram to the station. Before I had left, I had updated my Facebook status to say that I was looking forward to going home. Interrailling had been exciting, incredible and amazing but I was...