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Sunday, October 6, 2024
Julie Girling MEP has welcomed news that the European Parliament will next week debate climate change and President Trump's decision to ditch the landmark Paris agreementAs the Parliament's rapporteur on phase IV of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) and the aviation ETS proposal, she insisted that the EU must...

The D.U.P. eh?

Why, surely this can’t be the terrorist-supporting Democratic Unionist Party? The mouthpiece of the Red Hand Commandos, Ulster Volunteer Force and sundry other loyalist death squads?  I mean, if it’s a matter of national hysteria for Corbyn even to talk to Sinn Fein, surely Theresa May wouldn’t actually *form...

A hollow victory

What Jeremy Corbyn has personally achieved in this General Election is little short of a miracle and those who stood with him deserve all the praise I can heap on them in what was the greatest upset in UK politics and a resounding triumph against a despicable and hostile...
Thank goodness for these wonderful people.  Douglas James
Any politician who employs deceit, deception, lies, propaganda, spin, corruption, cheating, defamation, character assassination, libel, slander or any other form of corrupt practice to achieve power, should never hold office. Currently elections are a free for all, reliant on the integrity or parties and individuals, with few, if any,...
I have received a message from Jason Cridland, co producer of Dorset Eye: "We must have a plan for both a win and a defeat mate. Many, many people will be distraught if Tories get a majority so we must prepare for it now. Many will need a vanguard...
If the general election came down down to a contest between two people then Mr. Corbyn has already proved beyond any measure of doubt that he is the better human being, he is honest, calmer, more reasonable yet alone the better politician and statesman and would be a far...
Just a few months ago, if you’d asked me what I thought of Theresa May, I would have said that – while I disagreed with her politics – I admired her character. I considered her stolid, strong and principled, with a basic sense of decency not always found in front-line...
'“The Conservatives have fought a poor campaign. Their manifesto includes policies lifted wholesale from Ed Miliband’s Labour platform of 2015, and a headline strategy on social care that was brave in principle but botched in practice. “Mrs May has been pitched to voters as her party’s strongest asset but...

The fork in the road

I have today spent a session with my therapist (H) talking politics and by that I mean real up front and dirty politics. On Thursday this country will hit a fork in the road the like of which it has never seen before and for many of us that...