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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Don’t forget to vote

Elections are being held across Dorset on 4 May 2017. Voters will be asked to choose who represents them on Dorset County Council. There will also be a number of by-elections to district, borough and town councils. The UK deadline to register to vote is 13 April 2017.  If you are...
Does arming Saudi Arabia make us safer? Is it okay to help bomb civilians in Yemen if it supports jobs in the UK? Whenever we raise concerns about the use of UK-made weapons we’re confronted with the same myths: that arms sales and military intervention are in the national...
Despite a huge surge for the Liberal Democrats and the Green Party the total votes cast still saw pro Brexit parties with a higher vote share. However, the share reflects a huge chasm that will not be mended anytime soon. Dorset appears to be as split as much of...
Across the 9 days leading up to polling day Dorset Eye will publish the answers to the questions set by local people for some of the local candidates standing in the 2015 General Election. Some candidates have yet to reply and should we receive their responses then they will...
Theresa May recently said in a speech to mark 20 years of the Bank of England's independence, "A free market economy, operating under the right rules and regulations, is the greatest agent of collective human progress ever created. It was the new combination which led societies out of darkness...
Right-wing commentators always attack the NHS by saying that it mustn’t be treated as a “sacred cow”, like a “national religion”. The public don’t wish to see it as a business either. It is not surprising that the Royal College of Surgeons as a College are in favour of...
I am not religious. I do not believe in the supernatural. For me the essence of a ‘God’ is entirely socially constructed often by people who I would otherwise expect to know better. I do not deny that for many it brings order and perhaps harmony to an otherwise...
Following her Saudi Arabian trade junket, Theresa May, as the Independent put it, 'staunchly defended selling arms to Saudi Arabia despite the country facing accusations of war crimes, insisting close ties "keep people on the streets of Britain safe".' Britain is the second biggest arms dealer in the...
Today is the last of our Community Interviews with 8 of the local General Election candidates. Thank you to them and to those who set the questions. Jane Burnet: Green Party Dorset South Caroline Lucas has campaigned for the tax avoidance bill.  It is estimated that between £75bn...
On the morning of 24th June 2015 I trudged in through my front door with a sense of despondency after attending the EU referendum count. I had campaigned hard for around six months to try to ensure a future for the UK within the European Union, yet over the...