19.2 C
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Conservative MEP Julie Girling has welcomed news that EU funding for farmers, scientists and other projects will be replaced by the Treasury in the period immediately after Brexit. But she warned that farmers still faced uncertainty over their future under a different government. The MEP for the South West and...
What was all that crap about Theresa May triggering Brexit? All Theresa May did was deliver a letter asking the European Union if the UK could leave. The actual leaving of the UK from the European Union can only be “triggered” by the European Commission. This involves the agreement...
This election is going to be one of, if not the hardest elections the left has ever fought. The ruling elites don't like Corbyn, the monied elites don't like Corbyn, the main stream media almost all don't like Corbyn, the BBC, meant to be the nations impartial broadcaster, doesn't...
WOOHOO it's the EU referendum,with a cross in a box our only contribution,but it wasn't the EU that cut benefits and pensions,and majority rule don't work in mental institutions. If you think the newspapers aren't biased you're naive at best,They're owned by very rich men,Who insert their greasy fingers...

UKIP Shipping Forecast

At the risk of upsetting people this is simply too good not to publish. Thanks to Mark Vine for bringing it to our attention. UKIP Shipping Forecast
Following her Saudi Arabian trade junket, Theresa May, as the Independent put it, 'staunchly defended selling arms to Saudi Arabia despite the country facing accusations of war crimes, insisting close ties "keep people on the streets of Britain safe".' Britain is the second biggest arms dealer in the...
Today is the last of our Community Interviews with 8 of the local General Election candidates. Thank you to them and to those who set the questions. Jane Burnet: Green Party Dorset South Caroline Lucas has campaigned for the tax avoidance bill.  It is estimated that between £75bn...
On the morning of 24th June 2015 I trudged in through my front door with a sense of despondency after attending the EU referendum count. I had campaigned hard for around six months to try to ensure a future for the UK within the European Union, yet over the...