WOOHOO it’s the EU referendum,
with a cross in a box our only contribution,
but it wasn’t the EU that cut benefits and pensions,
and majority rule don’t work in mental institutions.
If you think the newspapers aren’t biased you’re naive at best,
They’re owned by very rich men,
Who insert their greasy fingers into everything printed in the press.
Oh they’ve got you hating foreigners?
But you’re not bothered about rich men?
Why is that?
Who caused the financial crash?
Was it immigrants in dinghys?
Or bankers in Armani?
Who’s renewing nuclear weapons we can’t use but cutting the army?
Who’s privatising everything in sight?
Oh that’s right, the Conservative Party!
What exactly are they conserving?
Our land and environment, lives and health?
Nope, their own wealth and power,
They’re in it for themselves.
We get a bedroom tax that pays for the rich to have a tax break,
The working people carrying the fat cats weight until our backs break.
But don’t worry about that, keep reading about Muslims in the Daily Hate.
Fire up the patriots,
Hating people they’ve never met and taking pride in things they ain’t done,
It’s some petty-minded tribalistic trash fueled by papers like the Sun.
The most read paper in Britain,
owned by a rich man who doesn’t even live here,
Got everybody living in a fake state of fear,
There hasn’t been a terrorist attack here in the last ten years.
Suddenly everyone is an expert on economics,
and I’m expected to choose between a moon-faced pig lover and uber-toff Boris.
I’m not bothered with picking bosses honestly,
you’ve got problems with foreigners?
I’ve got problems with foreign policy.
It’s not even as if all the bosses agree,
There is no positive option in this dichotomy,
Whether we’re in or out the rich still own all the property,
Either way they’ll make their money like a game of monopoly,
If you think voting out is rebellion stay in the EU so you can take lessons from the French in how to rebel properly.
Me, I’m not on either side,
I’m on the side of those globally wrestling with poverty.
It was not benefits, immigrants or the EU that crashed the economy…
Beau Nafyde