Weymouth & Portland Borough Council and Weymouth BID will be working together this summer to brighten up the town centre for the whole community. A competition is being held to find pictures of Weymouth landmarks designed by local children in three age categories with an additional category for adults....
O.K. so the weather wasn’t overly great, but that mattered not one iota for one group of people. At the start of this year trees and shrubs had been cut back hard along side Radipole Drive, to open up the views out across the lake. At first people...
Performed at the Weymouth Old Town Hall during the Crabchurch Dramatisations 'Special Performance.' See https://www.crabchurch.co.uk to buy the book. Filmed by Zzipp Media/Weymouth Community TV Online. ZZIPP MEDIA; You can contact me on any of the Social Networks below or on my website.. or leave a comment on...
An 11-year-old schoolgirl from Dorchester is the star of a new short film being made to promote the landscape and art of the South Dorset Ridgeway. Charlotte Gale is an aspiring actor and member of Dorchester Youth Theatre. She plays the central figure in the new video, produced by...
Retired schoolteacher Cath Irving has been elected Chairman of the Weymouth & Portland – Louviers Society, her third stint in the leading role. The twinning society celebrates their diamond jubilee later this year, 60 years from when the twinning charter- promising friendship in perpetuity- was signed in the Normandy...
Weymouth author Kathy Sharp talks about the writers that influence her books Which writers have influenced you? It’s a standard question, a cliché, even – but it’s worth asking, and answering, too. The absolutely honest answer, from me, is that it changes all the time. Every new book I...
I am trying to locate the family or descendants of Canon Edward Brewer Brooks (born 1913), one time Vicar/Rector of St Thomas Church, Salisbury (1970-1973) and who died in the December quarter of 1986, in the Weymouth registration district, aged 73. My interest in Canon Brooks lies in the...
From 2004 and 2015 the New Year Festivities in Hope Square have been joyous and fun. Will Storm Dylan prevent 2017 following in those footsteps? 2009 Happy New Year!
Well…that’s yet another year year done and dusted. My old Mum always used to say the older you get, the faster they go, and true to her oh so wise (but often infuriating) words, the older I’m getting, the faster they’re bloody well going. In fact they’ve now almost...
My first attempt at writing one that gave the reader a warm fuzzy glow, the feel-good factor, full of Christmastide cheer, had somehow ended up instead laden with the doom and gloom of death, drunkenness and debauchery! As I frantically scanned the newspapers each successive year for the Christmas...