14.5 C
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Poole Labour has called on the local Lib Dems to apologise for their latest use of some misleading information about voting intentions on one of their campaign leaflets. The now infamous dodgy bar charts that the Lib Dems are well known for shows that Labour is in third place...
South Dorset Labour Party is delighted to announce the selection of Portland Councillor, Carralyn Parkes, as Labour's candidate for the South Dorset seat in the next General Election. Carralyn is an Artist and Art Historian, a former Weymouth College lecturer, and has responsibility for Heritage, Portland Museum, and Victoria...
You may think this is just satire. It is a lot more than that. It is empirically accurate. Here is the evidence of the Conservative and corporate media lies: https://dorseteye.com/the-conservatives-have-been-the-biggest-borrowers-over-the-last-70-years-2/ And locally every Dorset MP is a Tory and yet the county is awash with evidence of suffering and hardship: https://dorseteye.com/bournemouth-child-poverty-figures-reveal-tories-are-failing-most-vulnerable/ It...
Members of Poole Labour Party have selected Sue Aitkenhead to stand as their Prospective Parliamentary Candidate (PPC) for the forthcoming general election.  Sue lives in Poole and runs her own business ‘Cherry Tree Chiropractic’.  She has been actively involved in the Labour Party since 1991, previously having been the Mayor of...
 New analysis published today (Wednesday) by the TUC and commissioned from the New Economics Foundation (NEF) shows how the current government’s plans for local government funding will impact the region. The research compares current (2019/20) and future (2024/25) local government funding against a baseline of service provision in 2010, before...
South East Dorset Green Party has selected candidates for all five Parliamentary constituencies in the area, to fight the next General Election whenever it is called. In Bournemouth East, the Green Party candidate will for a third time be Alasdair Keddie. A Bournemouth University graduate who has lived in the constituency for 26 years,...
Following a conference in Weymouth on Saturday 28th September in which distinguished academics and GP's presented very disturbing quantitative and qualitative data to reveal the desperate situation that Weymouth & Portland is in economically and socially it was announced that Weymouth & Portland Action on Wages will now present...
Poole Labour have criticised local Liberal Democrats for advertising a part time constituency organiser job as a self employed role which would avoid employment rights and National Insurance contributions. The accusation of double standards comes as the Lib Dems begin their annual conference in Bournemouth, having previously stated they...
A local community has taken a significant step closer to having greater influence over planning decisions in their area. A final version of the Portland Neighbourhood Plan has been submitted to Dorset Council for examination. The plan has been drawn up by local people, and approved by the town council, who...
  ESFA admits to redacting information about Aspirations Academy for fear of ‘damaging public confidence…’ Dorset Council are now voicing their own concerns. Dorset Council’s second letter requesting that the Secretary of State agree to a delay in the forced academisation process of Budmouth College in Weymouth was made public this week. Rt Hon...