18.1 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Fascinating and to the point in just over 7 minutes Noam Chomsky explains why the US and UK support Israel and turn a blind eye to their terrorism. https://zcomm.org/zvideo/why-does-the-u-s-support-israel/
We talk about the war in Syria, Getting everyone to live in fear. But what they don’t say is we're selling weapons to the enemy, Just for our governments to make a few more pennies. Millions have to flee. And no matter how much we plea Too many refugees are still dying at sea. The pain...
Before and after the recent attacks on Syria by the US, UK, and France, a predictable spectrum emerged. At one end it was argued that the attacks would risk stepping up a conflagration leading to World War 3. The other side held that intervention wasn't just a moral necessity,...
Iraq attempted to drop the dollar in oil trading and was destroyed. Libya attempted to drop the dollar in oil trading. It was also destroyed. Syria has tried the same and is being destroyed. Russia has built a pipeline to China, one of the biggest consumers of oil in...
A tribute to Celia Hollingworth who died in Greece last month: This is truly awful and tragic news. More so for any who knew Celia. It's difficult to read this news account. Celia was a lifelong socialist. Totally incorruptible and a fighter for the oppressed. She was also a...
EU lawmakers last night reached a deal that will continue to see international flights exempted from the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme until 2023. Julie Girling, MEP for the South West and Gibraltar, was the European Parliament's lead negotiator on the agreement and has welcomed the deal that will still see...
I am aware as anyone that the world is being soaked with so called fake news and propaganda. The problem we have is that a lot of the so called news/information is born in facts. The idea is to make us cynical. iI is part of the approach to...
'The New Rulers Of The World (2001) analyses the new global economy and reveals that the divisions between the rich and poor have never been greater - two thirds of the world's children live in poverty - and the gulf is widening like never before.The film turns the spotlight...
I've just heard a BBC Radio News bulletin the first item of which was the weather in Texas, in which eight people sadly died and many have had their homes flooded. I have not heard a single mention over the last fortnight on BBC Radio News bulletins of the...

They Can All Do This

To the question: What do these nine leaders have in common? Donald Trump Kim Jong Un Benjamin Netanyahu Imran Khan Narendra Modi Xi Jinping Vladimir Putin Theresa May Emmanuel Macron