11.1 C
Sunday, May 19, 2024
Strange how none of the corporate media were prepared to run the film until its natural end. However, independent media will never shirk its responsibility. Jason Cridland

Waiter with spoons

Last week, we took some friends out to a new restaurant, and noticed that the waiter who took our order carried a spoon in his shirt pocket. It seemed a little strange. When the waiter brought our water and cutlery, I noticed he also had a spoon in his shirt...
What an absolutely wonderful idea. Jim explains how this might work and lots of other stuff about white intolerance. For many police racism just drags people down https://dorseteye.com/dawn-butler-the-institutional-racism-in-the-police-is-just-exhausting/ And the irony of this: https://dorseteye.com/on-his-way-back-from-a-channel-4-interview-about-racism-and-this-happens/ PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
Over half the country has felt like Kate McCann for 12 years hopefully this may give them a clue. During the Tory debate this happened. What on earth happened then? Hope everyone is ok! #TalkTV #TheSun pic.twitter.com/M9RvqVyCr3— Harry Rutter (@harryjohnrutter) July 26, 2022 Thankfully Kate is recovering which is more than...
Following on from his condemnation of those who tore down Edward Colston statue in Bristol, Keir Starmer spoke out today against Rosa Parks’ protest against racial segregation. Said the Labour leader: ‘it’s an important issue but I do think Ms Parks should have obeyed the law and stayed...
This is brilliant and includes a laugh out loud moment. Parts 1 to 3. James Finlayson PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
"Hey, show us yer tits, ya bloody penguins!" shouts one of the drunks. Quite shocked, Mother Superior turns to Sister Mary Immaculata and says, "I don't think they know who we are; show them your cross." Sister Mary Immaculata rolls down her window and shouts, "Piss off, ya fookin' little wankers,...
A load of angry white men gather every year in some non descript part of the country to shout and abuse passers by. This year Hoddesdon has the 'pleasure'. For the rest of the year they live in caves hidden away on some moor or another singing songs from...
Whatever one thinks about the Royal family or what side one has taken in the latest hostilities Meghan and Harry have the moral high ground with just one mitigating sentence. 'I do not feel comfortable raising my children around an alleged sex offender'. To be fair there is almost certainly more...