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HomeDorset NorthCyber Lynching: How the Cruel and Cowardly Have Found a New Home

Cyber Lynching: How the Cruel and Cowardly Have Found a New Home

According to the Defamation Act 2013 an act is defamatory if its publication has caused or is likely to cause serious harm to the reputation of the claimant OR it has caused or is likely to cause a profit making body serious financial loss.

Given the amount of content on social media that is without evidence I suspect that there are many (if they were made aware) who could clean up and retire on the damages paid out. 

This is not to say that we should censor people in to silence but that those who make claims without evidence and based entirely upon supposition need to be aware that some day they may have to pay for their indiscretions and prejudices. Gossip is normal and people can and will continue to be cruel or lack tact. They believe themselves judges and juries of others but wince and are embarrassed when it’s done to them. They no longer attend the public hangings with their sandwiches and beer or string people up in the woods. Now they turn on their computers and empty themselves of their bile.

Research suggests that it is much easier to be cruel or derogatory if you do not have the look the person in the eye and/or your mates are backing you up. 

According to psychologists cyber bullying/attacks takes place for a range of reasons:

  • They see it as a way to stay popular.
  • Hurting others makes them feel powerful.
  • Provides an opportunity to divert attention away from their own issues.
  • It helps them cope with their own low self-esteem.
  • They think it will help them fit in with their peers.
  • They have trouble empathizing with those they hurt.

In general, bullies’ behaviour usually stems from their own problems. Stopbullying.gov reports that bullies tend to be more likely to be depressed or anxious. They often have trouble controlling their emotions and impulses and find it hard to follow rules.

Here are some additional reasons people may do their bullying online:

  •  Anonymity—Cyberbullying allows bullies to avoid facing their victims, so it requires less courage and provides the illusion that bullies won’t get caught.
  • Ignorance of the consequences—The National Council on Crime Prevention reports that in a survey of teenagers, 81% said they believe others cyberbully because they think it’s funny. Because they don’t see their victims’ reactions in person, cyberbullies may not realize how much damage they are doing.
  • Social pressure—Some cyberbullies may think their behaviour is normal and socially acceptable, especially when friends egg them on. This is pertinent on Facebook or Twitter where the number of Likes/Shares… can lead people to believe they are in the right and to maintain an aggressive attack on others. 

Below is an example of a facebook post attacking Gerry and kate Mcann – the parents of the missing girl Madeline Mcann in which many of the contributors go along with the original narrative but provide absolutely no evidence to back it. 

Poster (Male): Am I the only person on the planet who thinks the McCanns are the only people who have got away with complete child neglect without being prosecuted and now have the audacity to bring out a book about their missing daughter. It stinks and sorry but if it smells like shit it’s normally shit. I feel for their loss but the truth will eventually come out no matter how long it takes. Sadly and hopefully not, the truth is a lot closer to home than most people expect or want to believe and that is more often fact rather than fiction.








Person 1 (Male): I think they’ve got away with a bit more than that mate… read the Portuguese coppers book, they have threatened anyone who sells it in this country, with legal action. I’ll try and find the translation link for you.

Like · Reply · 2 · Yesterday at 06:03

Person 2 (Male): You’re not alone mate….I’ve thought that from the very beginning. The duty of care to their own children was non existent yet that has been completely overlooked.

Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 06:12

Person 1: Here’s the link. Chapter 16 is the interesting bit.


Gonçalo Amaral: The Truth of the Lie


Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 06:31

Poster: Cheers Person 1 a very interesting read. Something untoward happened that night and the only thing that remains unclear was it accidental or malicious? Unfortunate it involves the south yorkshire police again. What with Rotherham and Hillsborough no room for corruption there then at all.

Person 3 (Female)Totally agree! What parents leave such young Children as theirs in a room/villa sleeping so they can go out for drink?! Totally irresponsible for one but I also feel like others do that there’s more to this one and it was set up xx

Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 06:41

Person 4 (Female):  It is very sad that this has happened and at the end of the day a little girl is missing or very sadly dead. However, had it been you or I who had left our child and gone out for a meal we would have been slaughtered both by the media and the courts. If they had not left her she would not be missing end of story. To make money out of a book selling their story I believe is totally disgusting. I know everyone makes mistakes but they keep on making them and keep playing the victims when they should be held accountable for their actions frown emoticon x

Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 06:51

Person 5 (Female) No your not the only one X

Like · Reply · Yesterday at 07:05

Person 6 (Male) Spot on ‘Poster’ . Always maintained the truth is a lot closer to home.

Like · Reply · Yesterday at 07:26

Person 7 (Female): Skimmed through chapter 16 and it is very interesting

Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 07:48

Person 7:  Always thought something didn’t sit right about this case

Like · Reply · Yesterday at 07:55

Person 8 (Female) You are not alone the simple fact is that if they hadn’t left their children alone that night Maddy would still be with us

Like · Reply · Yesterday at 08:08

Person 9 (Female) Gosh just read chapter 16 myself, always had my suspicions that something wasnt right. Very very sad!

Like · Reply · Yesterday at 08:12

Person 10 (Female) I agree with you, there has always been something that doesn’t sit right with this case!! X

Like · Reply · Yesterday at 08:16

Person 7 Person 10 think I would like to read the whole book think it would make a very interesting read

Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 08:17

Person 11 (Male) Your not alone, I have always thought something was amiss and yes they should be prosecuted for child neglect at the very least.

Like · Reply · Yesterday at 08:28

Person 12: I’ll read the chapter later El. Always thought they were guilty from day one and managed to dispose of their daughter somehow.

Like · Reply · Yesterday at 08:40

Person 13 (Male):  Summet is dodgy.and those kids should have never have been left alone

Like · Reply · Yesterday at 09:10

Person 14 (Male):  ‘White middle class doctors savaged by working classes they have never met.’ Just hope the same angst is aimed at all those who drive over the limit and ruin so many more lives. Or those who smoke around their young children or spend their lives downing alcohol whilst children are left to amuse themselves… The list is endless as is the hypocrisy.

Like · Reply · 23 hrs

Person 11: I’m sure most of the people commenting here will be insulted to be called working class. It is the fact that the Mcanns are middle class doctors that has protected them from vilification by the press

Like · Reply · 2 · 20 hrs

Person 14:  Perhaps they are but it does not make it any less valid. Do they work for someone else and do they receive a wage for doing so? If yes they are working class. If they have considerable autonomy and professional qualifications/member of a professional body then they can argue that they are middle class.

As for protection from press – tell me who else who has lost a child has been vilified by the press and verbally assaulted and bullied on social media for 9 years.

Like · Reply · 19 hrs · Edited

Person 9:  I think you need to give your head a shake and realise what the rest of the world are thinking and saying about this very sad situation. What on earth are you talking about with regards to white middle class doctors and then relating it to drink drivers etc….absolute crap and makes no sense whatsoever !!!

Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs

Poster:  Absolutely gob smacked by your response Person 14. The fact that they are white middle class doctors is irrelevent. The reference to working class people is patronising in the extreme. So is the irrelevent referrral to alcohol,drink driving and tobacco. Whilst all the above may contribute to unnessary loss of life the facts remain that the children were neglected and a charge should follow whether you are aristocracy, middle class or working class. The McCanns have utilised the media as much as in your words they have been vilified by it. I suggest you read the book and then comment accordingly. Like I said before no smoke without fire

Like · Reply · 2 · 11 hrs

Person 15: Only makes no sense if you don’t want it to. The rest of the world have far more important things to worry about than cyber lynching people they have never met.

Why don’t you contact them and their lawyers and put your concerns and accusations to them instead of on facebook where they have no right to reply.

You approach is the behavior of cowards. Like · Reply · 5 mins · Edited

Person 16 (Female): ive said it all along zammo. if any of us left our children like that we would have the social services on our backs and the rest taken away. something is definitely fishy about all this and yes the truth will come out in the end. it always does xx

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Person 9: Person 16 I really do hope the truth will come out eventually for the sake of that poor little girl who I hope can eventually rest in peace.

Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Poster:  Can i ask any parent who faced one of her children having being abducted would you run back to a dinner table leaving the twins at further risk in the apartment my answer would have to be bollocks would you. The whole thing stinks of shit and needs publicising so that justice is done for that little girl

Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Person 15: No one knows what they would do no matter how dark our imagination.

Like · Reply · 10 hrs · Edited

Poster: Sorry, you’re so wrong with what you posted earlier it made my blood boil. My point remains they neglected their children full stop. If you can’t see that you need your head examining and finding other means how others may equally neglect their children doesn’t make what they did acceptable or admissable in law. I would far sooner you campaign for all forms of child neglect rather than make excuses for this behaviour over others

Like · Reply · 10 hrs · Edited

Poster: For those who are interested please read this and if you feel as strongly as i do publicise accordingly.

Here’s the link. Chapter 16 is the interesting bit..


Gonçalo Amaral: The Truth of the Lie


Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs

As you can see from the above a lynch mob mentality hiding behind Facebook to make their comments. As the psychological research suggests there is the protection this affords but also a lack of empathy or understanding and an apparent perception that this behaviour is normal and socially acceptable. Even when person 14 tries to reason with their position he is shouted down by some of the pack.


  • Back away when angry.
  • Don’t fear being seen to be wrong.
  • Don’t believe you must have the last word. It is a sign of strength and dignity to call it off or calm it down.
  • Say sorry if offensive. Again it enables you walk away with dignity and cools things down.

Research reveals huge scale of social media misogyny

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