‘Jesus can explain this a whole lot better than anyone else’ says Devin Gibson. If that is true Devin Gibson why do we then get eighteen minutes of fact free twaddle?

A quick summary of the film Sound of Freedom:

‘After rescuing a boy from ruthless child traffickers, a federal agent learns the boy’s sister is still captive and decides to embark on a dangerous mission to save her. With time running out, he quits his job and journeys deep into the Colombian jungle, putting his life on the line to free her from a fate worse than death.’

And then over to the public reviews:

Now I am not saying that there is not an ‘elite’ conspiracy to sell the children of the world in to an organised sex trade. However, call me old fashioned but I would quite like some actual facts to support the claim. Yes some ogres have been outed who are obviously devoid of empathy and do a wonderful impression of sociopaths and psychopaths. However, for that then to be turned in to an equation that every person who has relative power is a child sex trafficker is a fascinating and yet unsubstantiated claim. It is what is colloquially known as BULLSHIT.

Amongst the claims being made by those who support this narrative is the following belief that children are being kidnapped across the world to enable powerful rich people to drain their blood to obtain adrenochrome, which they believe brings about a return to youth. However, if they really do believe this and are doing it, one, there is no credible evidence that it is occurring and two, they obviously do not have a qualified chemist amongst them.

The belief that child traffickers drain children’s blood to obtain adrenochrome is a baseless and unfounded conspiracy theory. Adrenochrome is a chemical compound that exists in trace amounts in the human body and can be synthesised artificially.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that it has any special or miraculous properties when extracted from children’s blood. This conspiracy theory has been spread in certain fringe circles, often tying it to other unfounded claims about a secret global elite engaging in human trafficking and child exploitation. It is crucial to recognise that such claims lack credible evidence and are primarily driven by misinformation and sensationalism.

Authorities and experts have debunked this theory, warning against the dangers of believing and spreading unfounded conspiracy theories, as they can lead to harm, fear, and further division in society. It is essential to rely on reputable sources and critical thinking when evaluating any claims, especially those with significant implications.

Why would anyone simply believe anything without reliable and valid data? What type of system has created numerous people who see facts as an inconvenience? Why are people so desperate to merely reaffirm their existing prejudices instead of challenging them and locating reality?

We can help there:

The following video by Devin Gibson admits that absolutely no evidence exists to support its claims about the content and specifically their target Oprah Winfrey. It is all about an agenda which it cannot substantiate, only insinuate. That they believe ‘God’ will welcome these people on the day of judgement suggests they are confusing God with Satan. If there is a hell they are in luck as an eternity in it appears to beckon.

I can only feel sadness and pity for those who are won over by delusional fact free narcissists. Whether it is QAnon, Donald Trump, fundamentalist religious practitioners, corporate media owners or just anyone who has to fill their imaginations with unvalidated stories from the minds of manipulative people.

Therefore this a cry out for people to regain the desire to FIND the facts and to avoid the BULLSHIT.

The Significance of Facts: Understanding the Importance of Objective Truth in the Modern World

In today’s information-driven society, facts play a pivotal role in shaping our understanding of the world and making informed decisions. Facts are objective, verifiable pieces of information that exist independently of personal beliefs, biases, or emotions. They serve as the foundation upon which knowledge is built and are essential for the progress of humanity.

The Role of Facts in Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is a cognitive process that involves analysing, evaluating, and synthesising information to form reasoned judgments. Facts are fundamental to critical thinking because they provide a basis for reasoning and logical arguments. When we rely on facts rather than opinions or misinformation, we can make sound decisions and solve complex problems effectively. Critical thinking, bolstered by factual information, allows individuals to make informed choices in their personal and professional lives, thereby promoting individual growth and development.

Furthermore, critical thinking enables individuals to identify fallacies and biases, both in their own thinking and in the information presented by others. By recognising the importance of facts in this process, people can become more discerning consumers of information, guarding against the spread of false narratives and misinformation.

Advancing Science through Facts

Science is built on the foundation of facts and empirical evidence. Scientific progress is achieved through the systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data, leading to the establishment of factual knowledge. Facts serve as the building blocks of scientific theories, providing a reliable framework for understanding the natural world.

Through rigorous testing and peer review, scientific facts are scrutinised and validated by the scientific community. This self-correcting process ensures that knowledge is continually refined, enhancing our understanding of the universe and fostering technological advancements that benefit society as a whole.

Facts and Social Cohesion

In a diverse and interconnected world, the importance of facts extends to maintaining social cohesion and fostering mutual understanding. Shared factual information forms the basis for meaningful communication and cooperation among individuals and communities.

Without a shared understanding of reality, societies risk fragmentation and polarisation, hindering progress and cooperation. Facts provide a common ground for discussions, debates, and negotiations, facilitating constructive dialogue and the resolution of conflicts.

Preserving Democracy and Facts

Democracy thrives on the availability and dissemination of accurate information. An informed public is vital for the functioning of democratic systems. Facts enable people to make educated choices during elections and hold elected officials (if that is the type of system we desire) accountable for their actions.

The rise of misinformation and fake news threatens the integrity of democratic processes. When facts are distorted, manipulated, or outright fabricated, public discourse becomes polluted, and trust in institutions diminishes. As a result, democracy itself is undermined.

Facts as a Countermeasure to Fake News and Misinformation

In the digital age, the spread of fake news and misinformation has become a significant challenge. False information can quickly go viral, leading to widespread misconceptions and confusion. However, facts, grounded in evidence and truth, serve as a powerful antidote to this problem.

Promoting fact-checking and media literacy is crucial for empowering individuals to discern between credible sources and unreliable ones. By arming themselves with factual knowledge, individuals can resist the influence of misinformation and avoid being swayed by deceptive narratives.

Facts and Ethical Considerations

Facts also play a vital role in ethical decision-making. When confronting complex moral dilemmas, factual information is indispensable for understanding the consequences of different actions. By relying on facts, ethical choices can be guided by rationality rather than emotion or subjective beliefs.

Therefore, in conclusion, facts are the bedrock of human understanding, progress, and cooperation. They form the backbone of critical thinking, enable scientific advancement, foster social cohesion, preserve democracy, and counteract misinformation. Embracing facts is essential for maintaining a stable and informed society that can address its challenges effectively. As responsible people, we must promote the value of facts, cultivate media literacy, and strive for evidence-based decision-making to create a more prosperous and harmonious world.

Believing the likes of Devin Gibson suggests desperation and intellectual laziness. Facts, my friends are the key to freedom, not innuendo and fake news.

Jason Cridland

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