The colourful campaigners of Extinction Rebellion Wimborne joined the crowds gathered for the Inside Out Dorset performances on Saturday. 

“We sang fossil fuel-themed songs and processed and unfurled banners before the Inside Out performances started, and in parts of Wimborne where performances weren’t taking place. Our message was simple: there’s still time to avoid the worst of climate chaos,” said retired ship’s captain, Peter Aldous. 

The campaigners joined the Global Fight Fossil Fuels action with their trademark humour. Hundreds of thousands of people took part in 650 actions in more than sixty-five countries. Every single continent took part, even Antarctica where scientists stood in the snow. “The placards and leaflets we used in Wimborne featured upside-down elements because climate change will turn our planet upside-down,” said local resident Joanna Bury. 

The Fight Fossil Fuels video produced to mark the event features campaigners from  Kathmandu to Kyiv and from Chennai to Copenhagen … and Wimborne!

“I’m very proud to have taken part in the global call to end fossil fuels. To have received the warm reception we did in Wimborne reminds me that I live in a town where people really care about the environment and the future of our planet,” said Steve Hutton.

See Extinction Rebellion Wimborne on Facebook, Instagram, Thread, TikTok and X (formerly Twitter)

Fight Fossil Fuels website

Fight Fossil Fuels video (Wimborne featured at 2.57)

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