Last night a GBTV host waxed lyrical over the woman who drove her Rage Rover into two peaceful climate protectors on a insulate britain protest, in a joint interview he did with me. Again and again he incited people to emulate this woman and encouraged them to drive through peaceful protests. I was utterly shocked at the evil he was spouting on a supposedly national tv network.

The tragedy of course is that this woman and millions like her, have no idea of the depth of the climate threat to their kids very lives within a few decades, unless radical cuts happen now. The worst parts of the incitement to murder were not on the clips they tweeted, when he salivated over a horrific tweet by Noel Gallagher calling for the murder of the protestors.…/noel-gallagher-furiously…

But personally feel this MUST be a red line in UK broadcasting – we cannot allow incitement to murder be normalised… His constant reference to the peaceful protesters as “terrorists” and the violent driver as a “heroine” is a prelude to the destruction of the rule of law in the UK and leads us to a very dark place indeed. I have formally complained to Ofcom.

And am trying to find out if incitement to violence is illegal and if so how to file a complaint with the police?This whole incident though provides a valuable snapshot of where humanity is right now… The Rage Rover drivist represents those in the rich world who are enraged at any restriction on their destructive lifestyles.Whilst the climate protectors deeply understand the depth of the crisis and that only deeply destructive peaceful protests have any hope of getting through the complacency, vested interests and reluctance to change business as usual. I am in awe of how so many of these Insulate Britain protestors maintain utterly Gandhian peacefulness in the face of the violence, rage and abuse they are receiving. May they have the strength and courage to remain so…

Love and courage Donnachadh x

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