We have already lost the BBC. I am so disgusted by their news coverage (Nick Robinson, chairmen of Tory students at oxford, mouthpiece for Tory policy fabricating news items during Scottish independence vote and still kept his job; or his replacement Laura Kuntsberg, a vile Tory stooge knocking Labour and Jeremy Corbyn at any and every opportunity.)
Also i am bored by their constant self-advertising about their piss-poor drama and lousy prime time game shows.
Everyone who lands a job at the bbc seems to stay indefinitely. Why cant someone else have a go? Does Stephen Fry need more work? Can Sandi Toxic-pig get through a radio broadcast without mentioning she is a lesbian mother? Or her stand-in/replacement token lesbian Sue “unfunny” Perkins.
Speaking of which is Graham Norton the new Larry Grayson? Will Jamie Cullem take over from Jools Holland ( dark haired white man with a piano) you get the type-cast thing? (Come to think of it Stephen fry is the replacement Frank Muir).
BBC daytime TV is pathetic, their sports coverage is shrinking to zero.
Their films are on so late they preclude working people.
The children’s TV is utterly ghastly, over enthusiastic twerps obsequiously squeaking at imaginary children to no discernible purpose other than to brainwash them into dullards gawping at a screen.
They can also fuck right off with the licence fee.
In fact, the low-budget history stuff and band documentaries are arguably all that’s left that is worth watching as it has elements of real people and real recordable researchable events in history. Even these are more often than not presented by toffy nosed ex public school types.
So, it has nurtured paedophiles, created a jobs-for-the-boys culture, pays its top brass ludicrously high salaries, and its presenters; in doing so it alienates, patronises and spews out Tory propaganda at its viewers and listeners…
Then 38 degrees wheel out David Attenborough, even the splendid old king that he is, will not convince me to champion the ratings-obsessed ghastly organisation.
38degrees should be campaiging against the bbc and its shockingly bias news coverage and corrupt out-of -date structural flaws.
There , feel better now
Sean Geraghty
Many others are extremely annoyed and frustrated that the BBC is bias against and unrepresentative of large swathes of the population: