King Charles reveals classic moving images of the far right


How the vast majority sees these pitiful people is exemplified by one reveal. Sad, small, disjointed and pathetic.

Who is vulnerable to join this mass of carcinogenic cells?

Following the disgusting response by the far right to the horrendous event in Southport, when multiple children and adults were stabbed, leading to three children dying, this article will reveal that low educated people are being targeted by fascist groups and their political representatives. From local groups to Reform UK Ltd the focus is, and historically has been, on those who are much less capable of dealing with more accurate and complicated explanations for societal issues. Read the rest of the article below.

As Matthew Keenan says:

“This is what a true patriot looks like. Someone who saw the destruction of his local community and stepped in to fix it as fast as he could. Making his local area better for his fellow residents.”

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