The lunatics have officially taken over the asylum. From top to bottom we have people who if they were committed to Bedlam no one would notice. The madness is being normalised by sociopaths and psychopaths from all strata.
The care workers are literally giving their lives and yet…

It is not just a cure for Covid-19 that we need but a cure for the mentality of many both in the government and in the general public. Yes the government advice was scatter gun and about as clear as Mancunian smog in the nineteenth century but at the same time being a complete selfish tw** is down to us. A combination of the two is lethal and for the innocents attempting to care for us, unforgivable.
Also on another point Boris Johnson deserves NO credit for being forced to change his mind on oversees care workers receiving free access to NHS…. Pressure from outside of the government forced his hand. Without that pressure nothing would have changed.
Penny Lane