Chapter 17 The Morning After

Mary-Jo woke with a groan, a pain shot through her head like a bolt of acid lightning, stinging and burning its way onwards in a jolt of searing agony. Her eyes throbbed and every inch of her body seemed to cry out in spasms of misery. She clenched her fists tightly as another pain appeared, this time a hammering from inside her head that pounded out her heart beat. She lay they completely still panting, before cautiously opening first one heavy aching eye then the other. Her vision was blurred and a couple of bright colored lights flashed momentarily across her view. She shut her eyes tightly again before trying again. She stared upwards for a while surrounded by semi darkness before her eyes stated to focus on the dim shapes that came into her view. Nothing familiar that she could make out above her so slowly she turned her head to one side and saw three brilliant red lights. She squinted and tried to focus before her eyes adjusted and she could make out 4.30. What was 4.30? Her mind was trying to make sense of it, where was she? Was she dreaming?

Gingerly she sat up and as she did her mind completed the puzzle of dim shapes, smells, sounds and the bright display of 4.30 to her side, it was battered and in pain but it delivered its verdict, ‘bedroom’ it announced, ‘home, you are at home’. She lay back down with a sigh of relief as she was once again racked by the searing pain in her head. ‘What in god’s name had happened’, she thought to herself as she lay there, still, breathing deeply and covered in sweat. Her synapses fired sending a swirl of disjointed memories flooding back into her consciousness. Cuzn Luke’s shack, drinking, laughing, looking up at Billy-Bobs dusty face, looking up at the roof inside Billy-Bobs pickup, faces staring at her in through a window, voices shouting at her , being carried by her feet and arms, voices talking, more laughter, Ethan’s voice saying,

“Is mom alright?”

Then nothing, blackness, then the pain returned with vigor. Like a shot she sat bolt upright,’ Billy-Bob, where’s Billy-Bob’ she thought. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the familiar shape of Billy-Bob laying besides her in the gloom. Curled up like a fetus, breathing in slowly and deeply. She reached over and turned on her bedside lamp grimacing as the light penetrated her tender eyes. She sat there bewildered while her eyes adjusted to the light then leant over and shook Billy-Bob by the shoulder.

”Billy-Bob, Billy-Bob wake up………, c’mon wake up.”

She said anxiously.

Billy-Bob stirred and mumbled something unintelligible before snuggling his head deeper into his pillow.

“Billy-Bob wake up.”

She continued as she shook him again. This time he woke with a start.

“Urrgh………., what is it now…. What the… Where am Auh at?”

He asked in a confused voice.

“Youze is home in bed but how did we get here? Thas what Auh wunna know.”

She replied. Billy- Bob propped himself up on his elbow and scratched his head with his other hand. Like Mary-Jo, Billy-Bobs mind was a temporary blank, he lay back down and stared at the ceiling, his head was pounding too and his mouth was as dry as a sack of salted saw dust.

“Cuzn Luke’s……… we was at Cuzn Luke’s an we got real juiced an Auh carries youze outta Cuzn Luke’s coz youze three sheets to the wind………, Auh don’t member most nothin else till youze waked me.”

“Well how did we get here in ourne bed?”

Asked Mary-Jo again.

“It just don’t makes no sense at all……, all Auh knows is that Auh has one great big bad head, but Auh is still standin in need of an ex-planayshun as how we is home in bed?

“Hell ….. stop all yuh tawkin an goin on an get yuhsel some sleep, we is home an Auh just disremembered everything.”

With that Billy-Bob snuggled his hot, sweaty and pounding head further into his pillow and was soon released from the early morning hangover as a deep alcoholic sleep washed over him. Mary-Jo got up, trudged slowly to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water. She glanced out of their window and saw the silhouette of their pickup parked in its usual place, ‘Billy-Bob must have driven them home’, she thought to herself. Two large glasses of water were finished before she returned to bed, leaving a full glass of water by her bedside before trying to get back off into the land of dreams. Sleep could not come fast enough for her as her head pounded, her eye sockets ached as did her teeth, jaws, arms, legs and stomach. She felt as if she had been run over by a road roller, all battered and bruised with the kind of headache that made her physically grimace.

Mary-Jo woke to hear voices and laughter coming from next door, it was daylight outside and hot, she could make out men’s voices, then Joshua’s and Ethan’s, but couldn’t quite make out who the men that were talking and laughing were. She sat up and hung her legs over the side of the bed just as the first searing bolt shot through her head. She held her forehead in her hands and moaned, the pounding inside was like the pounding of a drum major’s bass drum, her eyes ached and she was stiff all over.

One by one the confusion of voices coming from next door fell into place, the slower, deeper voice was that of Cuzn Luke and the two other slightly higher pitched faster talking voices that were interspersed with howls of laughter came from Jean Jnr. and Juste Leblanc. She leant over and shook Billy-Bob until he roused from his deep sleep.

“Billy-Bob we got visitors, Cuzn Luke, Jean Jnr an Juste are all in ourne kitshun tawkin with the bois.”

“Eth, hey Eth what is youze all doin? C’mon here an tell us what’s goin on.”

Shouted Billy-Bob through the thin wooden walls. The kitchen fell silent then their bedroom door creaked open and Ethan’s face appeared.

“We got visitors pa…….., Cuzn Luke s-id he had arranged to meet with yuh an Jean Jnr an Juste came over tuh see how youze both is doin, after rescuing youze an getting youze home last night.”

“Well Tell them that Auh is comin.”

Billy-Bob slowly got up from his bed to find he was fully clothed with his boots still on his feet, his head ached like nobodies business, his lips were dry and cracked and the room began to swirl around him. ‘Auh must be still drunk’ he thought as he steadied himself by Mary-Jo’s dressing table. He stopped momentarily and glanced in the mirror, he saw what looked like a jagged cut running across his right temple and down to his ear that had scabbed over, his shirt was ripped, his eyes looked like piss holes in the snow and there was dirt all over his face.

“Oooohhee, sure musta been some night Mary-Jo.”

“He exclaimed half out loud and half to himself as he made his way mechanically out of the door. Mary-Jo nodded in silence and followed Billy –Bob out of their bedroom and down the short corridor into the kitchen.

They were greeted by a round of applause as they entered. Cuzn Luke, Jean Jnr and Juste were sat at their table dinking large coffees while Ethan and Joshua lounged in their two old worn armchairs.

“Sounds like youze was lucky last night, lucky you ain’t dead an lucky that the five-o didn’t find yuh all wrecked up on the highway.” 

Said Cuzn Luke with a mischievous smile on his face.

“It was the funniest thing Auh ever seed.”

Said Jean Jnr. laughing out loud again, Juste could hold back no longer and roared with laughter slapping his hand on the table. He took up the story his brother had briefly started in between howls and gasps for air.

“We been goin hog wild in Ville Platte all night an then went on over to a shin dig at Patrice’s…., Auh had me a fine spring chicken, she sure was feisty an we was carryin on an all….., Auh was aimin to aborder huh then all of a sudden Jean staggers in with this bonne a rienne, c’est ville….. Auh said toJaen‘she looked like she was born down wind from the outhouse’, an every one start laughin…, infact Auh said ‘she was so fat it took two dawgs to bark at her’.

Juste was laughing so much tears streamed down his cheeks and he gasped for breath, once he had calmed himself a little he continued with his story.

 Auh told everyone that ‘She was.., so ugly that her Ma had to tie pork chops to her ears so that the dawg would play with her………, an with them summer teeth she had, youze no some was here an some was there’….And Auh….”

With that there was an explosion of laughter and Jean cringed noticeably.

“Auh was chockay an makin a chure outta muhsel, sure blown outta muh mind, chugged full with whiskey and bee-yuh.”

Interrupted Jean in his defense.

“An he gets all of his feathers ruffled up an Auh seed that he was about tuh fly off the handle so Auh gets him by the arms an we stumble outta there……, Auh was just messin with him but he gets his angry face on an Auh knows its time tuh go so Auh leave ma little chick-a-boo behind. Auh gets Jean intuh the pickup an home we comes…….Anyhow we is just comin round the corner outside Louchap an we comes up behind Billy-Bob.”

Both the brothers’ broke into uncontrollable laughter again before Juste was able to continued on with the story, Cuzn Luke chuckled along, whilst the two boys do their best to hide their amusement from their parents.

“Any how just on the last corner befuh turnin off Billy-Bob goes straight on, no turning or slowin or anything, just straight on an inner the dish he goes.”

By now tears were streaming down both Jean and Juste’s cheeks, Cuzn Luke was guffawing, spitting out more coffee than he was drinking and the boys were laughing uncontrollably in their chairs.

Jean continued on with the story as Juste gasped for air and held his sides.

” Well we both jumped out an Juste runs up an looks in through the window while Auh staggers up on the other side an attempts a look in……….’Auh sees Billy-Bob an he looked dead’, Juste shouted out tuh me…… So Auh looks in an sees Mary-Jo layin head first in the foot well with her legs  stickin up like a ray-ag doll…………., ‘Auh thinks Mar-Jo is dead an all…, there idden no movement’, Auh shouted back to Juste, an all of a sudden Juste shouts out ‘he’s movin’.”

“Auh sees Billy-Bob stirrin an yanks open his door.”

Juste continued now that he had regained some composure and his gasps for air had subsided. “While Auh opens his door Jean opens Mary-Jo’s an pulls her straight out by her feet an they both lands out onna road in a heap………., She squealed an thrashed like a tomcat but at least Auh new she war alive……So while Jean is dealin with Mary-Jo tryin tuh calm her Auh was tendin to Billy-Bob……… He must ‘a thought Auh was the po-lees as all he keeps sayin ‘Auh have had only a couple a sebmups an Auh is ok tuh drive.”

Juste exploded into another bout of uncontrollable laughter, more violent and body racking than before as he tried to explain the next part of the story,

“Auh ………….., was…….leenin .., in ………. An Auh …….sees Billy-Bob………all  rapped up like a chrismus present…………,he was all rapped up in…………. ,bob-war………….. wound round his head.., over his shoulder…………………. ,down his back an …….., round his leg once then hangin down like a tail…………..”

This was to much for Jean who leaped up from the table and bounded out onto the porch holding his sides as he laughed, Cuzn Luke was laughing fit to burst and both the boys were rocking backwards and forwards in their chairs howling, laughing and pointing at their Pa. Mary-Jo’s face cracked from its hung-over etched grayness into a broad smile and began to laugh as she imagined the scene.

“Well that juts about splains them cuts on muh face.”

Bill-Bob said as he held his hand up and gently felt over the scabbed dried blood that ran the length of a jagged cut.

Similar to a kettle going off of the boil, the laughter subsided, down to a chuckle here and there, eyes were wiped dry and Cuzn Luke got up fetched a cloth and wiped the table dry of all of the coffee that he had spat out over it. Jean returned to the table and sat down staring at the floor, chuckling every now and then, doing his best not to look at Juste who was doing the same, avoiding any eye contact with anyone, especially his brother. They all sat in silence for maybe a minute before Juste continued with the story.

He told them all that they had to act quickly and get Billy-Bob and Mary-Jo home, if possible get Billy-Bobs pickup out of the ditch and then one of them would have to drive it the short way home for him.

Juste had ran around into the road and untangled Mary-Jo from Jean. He had helped his unsteady brother to his feet then both of them had bent down and picked Mary-Jo up by her ankles and hands and carried her swung between the two of them like a pigs’ carcass to their pickup. She was laid rather roughly on the blacktop while Just opened one of the rear cab doors, then she was picked up and slung rather unceremonially onto the rear seat. She landed with a grunt, tried to move, then nothing, no movement, no sounds, no consciousness.

They raced back to Billy-Bobs pickup, being aware of the strand of Barbed wire that was wrapped around him they pulled him out of his cab slowly and carefully, unwinding the Barbed wire with care as they didn’t want to hurt themselves or Billy-Bob anymore than he already was. At one point Billy-Bob had come briefly to his senses or as near as he was going to get and thought that he was being mugged, robbed, stripped of his clothes or something worse and all of a sudden he started cussing and kicking out, hurling blind arching punches in the direction of his saviors and struggling like his life depended on it. It was not a time to be messing around and as Juste said “Auh had tuh knock him out, so bam! Auh gives him a quick show-at punch on his chin an he goes down like a sack o’shit.”

Juste completed the removal of the Barbed wire and tossed it into the back of Billy-Bobs pickup, then between the two of them they carried Billy-Bob in the same manner as Mary-Jo, slinging him in on top of her in the back of their pickup before slamming the door closed.

They then both returned to Billy-Bobs pickup to see if they could get it out of the ditch. Juste jumped in, started it up and jerked it into reverse. With surprising ease it shot backwards onto the road nearly taking out Jean in the process, they decided between them that it would be best for Jean to drive Billy-Bobs pickup back to Malase with Juste following close behind in his pickup with his cargo of two drunks. It was an uneventful journey until they reached home and Billy-Bob and Mary-Jo both started to come around. Mary-Jo squealed like a stuck pig as she came too underneath the stifling sweaty weight of Billy-Bob who was laid on top of her. She squealed and started thrashing around which brought Billy-Bob to in a semi conscious state of alarm, disorientation and fearful. He started kicking out at the ceiling of the cab, cussing and shouting whilst below him a wild cat writhed, scratched and spat out an unintelligible stream of words.

Juste pulled up in front of Billy-Bobs shack and jumped out laughing at the commotion going on in the back seat of the cab.

“Looks like we gotten a couple o’wild cats here.”

 He had shouted over to Jean as Jean drew up behind. In the glare of his headlights all he could see was Juste’s pickup bouncing around on its springs, whilst through the rear cab window there were arms and legs flailing all over the place.

“Gonna leave em?”

Jean had enquired of Juste.

“Hell no, do go on, they is possessed, by mornin the pickup’ll be broke an they’ll kill each other an both be dead”.

Juste had told Jean with an air of concern in his voice.

Between them they had pulled out Billy-Bob by his ankles, he landed on the dirt with a thud, he was momentarily silenced as his drunken mind adjusted to what had just happened to him and fought to understand where he now was. Released from the stifling weight on top of her Mary-Jo sprang out of the cab into the darkness landing on the back of Jean as he bent down to try and help Billy-Bob to his feet. They went over in a tumble of arms, legs and dust, which made Juste burst into laughter at the sight, Jean sprang to his feet, freeing himself of his drunken neighbors and dusted himself down. Billy-Bob and Mary-Jo both tried to stand, first one fell over then the other, then between themselves, bracing themselves against the body of the other for support they nearly got to their feet, only to crumple back down into the dust. To the amusement of both Jean and Juste, this battle against both gravity and the effects of the alcohol continued for a couple of minutes or so before Billy-Bob and Mary-Jo both sank exhausted into a pile at their feet, within seconds they were both unconscious again.

With a slight struggle Jean and Juste managed to get first Mary-Jo to her feet and momentarily prop her up against the side of Billy-Bobs pick up, they then did the same with Billy-Bob. Juste then took Billy-Bob and slung him over his shoulder and Jean in turn did the same with Mary-Jo. The two brothers then carried them up the steps, straight in through the drunken couple’s front door, through their kitchen and into his their bedroom where they were deposited on their own bed to sleep. Juste being the only sober one out of the four was of the mind to roll both Billy-Bob and Mary-Jo onto their sides to stop them choking if they vomited and there they were left to sleep a deep alcoholic induced sleep.

 “Well Auh sure heard it all now, that shine o’mine is as they say a mighty fine drop o’shine .”

They all laughed, Billy Bobs and Mary-Jo’s reaction was more of a grimace but they could see the funny side and both thanked Jean Jnr. and Juste before both of their saviors made their excuses and left Billy-Bob and Mary-Jo to nurse their hangovers.

“Bout time we gets down tuh bisness.”

Cuzn Luke said as  Ethan and Joshua got up and left the adults to talk in the  kitchen.

Cuzn Luke opened his pocket and produced a fat wad of cash rolled up and held together with a thick elastic band, he held it out towards Mary-Jo across the table.

 “Here’s ten thousan dollars, should cover the initial six youze needin with some as back-up.”

Mary-Jo’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped open as she held out her hand and took the cash from Cuzn Luke’s outstretched palm.

Before Billy-Bob could say a word Cuzn Luke started straight into discussing their next steps. He told them both that he had arranged a meeting with Mr. Gant this coming Thursday morning at nine a.m. at his offices and that he would meet the three of them there. Being a partner in this new venture Cuzn Luke wanted to make sure there were no mishaps and everything ran smoothly.  He went through their story again, reassuring them that with Mr. Gants help all would be well.

“That dawg will hunt.”

Exclaimed Billy-Bob when Cuzn Luke had finished delivering the details of his plan. Cuzn Luke then told them that he had made a call that morning to his lawyer and instructed him to draw up the legal partnership papers as they had all previously agreed. He told them to hide the money away safely and not go spending any of it on booze or any fancy stuff. This comment was aimed more at Billy-Bob than Mary-Jo but it got the assurances he wanted from them both that it would be hidden away and not touched. Finally with a flourish and a smile he produced a gallon plastic container of shine from under the table and presented it to them both.

“Thisy here is  a present to seal ourne deal, but don’t youze go a drinkin on that before Thursday as Auh’s wantin two sober, alert pardners with me when we is tawking with Mr. Gant.”

Both Billy-Bob and Mary-Jo groaned at the thought of more shine. They both appreciated the gesture and Cuzn Luke’s shine was the best in all of the mid Louisianan parishes and difficult to get hold of but at the moment all their bodies craved for was strong coffee or cool, clear water. Cuzn Luke checked his watch and said,

“Well Auh must be goin got stuff tuh do an at the moment Auh is  busier than a cat covering crap on a marble floor.”

He stood up from the table shook Billy-Bobs hand and bent down and gave Mary-Jo a peck on her cheek.

“See yuh’ll on Thursday.”

 He said as he left the kitchen and walked out into the humid shade of Malase.

Billy-Bob and Mary-Jo both sat there motionless and silent for a while, heads numb with the after effects of the shine, Mary-Jo with a fistful of crisp hundred dollar bills and Billy-Bob staring blankly in front of him.

Ethan jerked  them out of their stupor as he exclaimed from the kitchen door

“Cor Ma were did youze get all that money from…., Auh’s never seed so much, can Auh get some ma?”

Mary-Jo quickly folded the notes in half and thrust the wad deep into her pocket.

“That’s none of yourne, bisiness.”

She replied sharply before getting up and pushing her way past Ethan and out of the kitchen.

Billy-Bob watched still motionless with a gormless look etched across his face as Mary-Jo disappeared in the direction of their bedroom.

“Paw that shine gone an fried yuh brain, yuh don’t seems to have much goin on upstairs this mornin, want some more cawfee?”

Ethan asked as he filled the kettle and opened a bag of doughnuts for his breakfast.

Billy Bob nodded slowly to indicate that a coffee would go down well before slowly replying.

“Auh must admit Auh feels like Auh is one fry short of a happy meal, bud that’ll wear off soon son.”

Billy-Bob’s head was throbbing, his eyes ached as did his muscles, joints and teeth. Every time he moved it was like moving through a tingling treacle, sounds were distorted and echoy and light pierced his bloodshot eyes into the back of his head like daggers.

Ethan placed a mug of hot, sweet, strong black coffee in front of his dad and mumbled through a mouth full of chocolate doughnut.

“Me an Josh is  goin huntin with big Jean tomorruh, he is takin Samuel Kennedy out to see what we kin all catch.”

“Samuel who?”

Replied Billy-Bob through his fog of pain and disorientation.

“That man who lives by the church on the edge of Louchap, youze know he’s that ditch digging man, he bin down here with his wife,….. that there mighty fine SJ many times and you an Ma been drinking with them over at big Jeans with  Achiles and Papite.”

Billy-Bobs mind turned a single cog and a memory slowly appeared in his thoughts.

“Aw yeah, Auh knows them an they seems like good people, he is one hard workin son of a bitch, bit funny some times….., yuh know cantankerous an all he can be,   but good people.”

Ethan gulped the remains of his coffee down and shouted over his shoulder,

“Josh…. Josh C’mon, Auh bleeve we is late we told Jean we would go over earlyish and help him and Papite get things ready for tomorruh’s hunt.”

He then ran out of the kitchen kicking open the front door and leaping down from the porch in a couple of bounds. Joshua  was not far behind him,

“Bye Ma.”

he shouted as he ran past his Moms bedroom,

“Bye Paw.”

He continued as he raced through the kitchen and like his older brother kicked the door open and bounded out into the morning gloom of Malase. He caught his brother up at the steps of the Leblanc’s shack.

Chapter 18  Arranging the Hunting Trip

The hunting trip had been arranged some three weeks earlier. Therese had had her hair done by SJ, not something that was a regular event but every now and then she liked her hair to be cut and styled, she liked a couple of hours away from her chores, work and Malase. Whilst sitting in the cool of the salon the two women had been discussing all sorts, food, the weather, their boys and finally their men folk. Therese was aware that Samuel had certain challenges, mental problems that often laid him low and was saddened to hear SJ describe Samuel’s latest plunge into his depressive depths.

“There is nothing Jason or I can do or say to help lift his spirits.”

SJ had said rather dejectedly.

“Sometimes he seems fine outwardly and does his work, helps me around the home and Jason with his schooling, but he really isn’t himself at the moment…………., more like a robot, emotionless and empty.’

She had continued as she stared over Therese’s head, through the salon window and out across their lawn down to the sparkling water beyond.  They both stayed silent for a while, SJ lost in her thoughts as she back combed Therese’s hair and Therese saddened by what she had just been told.

“You know Samuel always seems to enjoy himself when we have been invited down to yours for food, a good drink and some dancing. I think Samuel gets on well with Jean. He’s really enjoyed himself the times he has been invited hunting with  your Jean, Maurice  and Papite Vallier, I think the last time was a couple of years ago now. He never stopped talking about it for weeks each time he had been out with them. He was so proud of the four ducks he had shot, plucked and brought home for us to eat, let alone the hind quarter of deer that your Jean had insisted he brought home as well the last time they hunted together.”

Nothing more had been said about Samuel, SJ changed the subject and lightened the atmosphere, it was not good to send her customers on their way burdened down with her problems, worries and fears.

Hair completed, SJ had applied a gentle mist of hairspray to Therese’s hair then removed the gown from around her shoulder, she took payment from Therese and said good day as she left the salon for the heat of the day outside.

The day continued as normal, customer after customer , regular as clockwork, until the barking of Pooh and Moo announced the arrival home of Jason, who, as he often did, spent a while playing with his two best friends in the garden. Both the dogs barked with excitement as Jason threw toys one by one out across the lawn for them to fetch and then he chased them around like one of the pack. Soon however the heat became to much for all of them to be charging around and  together they retired to the shade of the verandah and the noises from the garden subsided.

Finally at five thirty her day was over, her last customer thanked SJ as she left the cool of the salon for the stifling heat outside that was showing no sign of waning. SJ locked the salon door behind her,  took up her soft broom and started to sweep the floor clean of all its cuttings, she then put all her hair cutting instruments, scissors, combs and clips into a sterilizing solution for the night and was about to walk out of the salon into her house when there was a quiet ‘tap, tap, tap’. at her salon door.  SJ opened the door and there was Jean Leblanc kneeling down scratching Pooh behind his ear while Moo circled around, bone in mouth and tail wagging ferociously .

“Ahh, bon jour mon amis.”

He said looking up with a beaming smile, he stood and took her hand and kissed it.

 “Hi Jean.”

SJ replied.

”How can I help you?”

“Non SJ it is you that Auh’ve come here to helb.”

SJ looked quizzically at Jean for a moment before inviting him in.

 “Please, Jean take a seat.”

She said as she gestured towards a wicker sofa crowded with an assortment of multi colored cushions, some quilted, some embroidered and some emblazoned with splashes of vivid colors.

Jean made himself comfortable in the middle of the blaze of color.

“Would you like a cool drink Jean?

She enquired of her guest.

“I know I need one.”

Jean held up his hand and politely declined the offer.

” Non mon amis, Je vais tres bien, merci.”

SJ poured herself a long cool lemonade from a beautiful floral jug that sat in a small cooler, replaced the jug and sat down next to him.

“I am intrigued Jean, please continue.”

Jean fidgeted in his seat slightly then rubbed his chin before taking her hand gently between his rough weathered leather looking hands and looked straight into her eyes.

“We have known you all for over ten years now, non?…., An you, Samuel and Jason are always welcome in our home as we know we are here.”

He paused for a moment before continuing.

“Ne soyez pas offensé si vous plait……., Therese tol me aboud Samuel and how he is these days………., merde, Il n’est pas juste.”

He nodded his head from side to side, his face sagged and he momentarily looked down at the floor. All was silent for a moment before he raised his head again to look at SJ. As he did this she saw a tear spill over his lower left eyelid and slowly descend across his rugged features before reaching his chin and dripping onto his outstretched arm,

“It must be so hard for you and Jason an as for Samuel, quel demon le tourmente?”

“Hey Jean, its alright…. things are not great at the moment with Samuel but we make the best of it….. you know…. we get on with things… and he eventually recovers……..”

SJ said reassuringly before her voice tailed off into silence. They both sat there, neither speaking, for an instant, a moment, a lifetime, Jean’s face  flushed with a slight embarrassment and SJ’s heart skipped as her mind took in all of the compassion and heartfelt concern that Jean had just displayed to her.

Jean broke the silence with and exclamation,

 “Nous chasserons!….. We will hunt!”

SJ jumped slightly and was a little bemused by the exclamation, but before she could reply Jean launched into full flow, he explained that he wished to invite Samuel out for a day of hunting and fishing with some of the men of Malase, he thought that it might do Samuel some good but first he wanted to know if SJ thought it might help Samuel’s frame of mind, if it might help him reconnect with life. He also wanted to reassure her that he and his family were always just up the track and if she, Samuel or Jason needed any help they would always be there for them.

SJ’s face light up like a child’s on Christmas morning as a broad smile raced across her face.

“Oh Jean.”

She exclaimed as she flung her arms around his neck.

“Samuel would love that I’m sure,”

She leapt to her feet and beckoned Jean to follow her. They walked out of the salon, through the house and into the kitchen where Jason was tucking into a bowl of cereal and milk.

“Hi Mom, hi Jean,”

He said as he raised his head momentarily from his bowl before returning to devour its contents, taking large slurping crunchy mouthfuls of double chocolate Kellogg’s Krave.

“Is Dad home yet,?….Jean’s come here to see him.”

SJ asked Jason, who hunched his shoulders and muttered. 


Through a mouth furiously crunching up crispy Krave’s and cold milk into a slush of sweet brown high sugared fuel, just what a teenager needed after a hard day at college.

SJ raised her eyes,

“Have some manners Jason, don’t talk with your mouth full….. you are spitting more of that out than you are swallowing.”

Jean Laughed .

“Boys will be boys, maintenant un jeune home, ce qui peut nous indiquer, what can we say.”

Jason looked up and smiled, he liked Jean and his family and appreciated being treated as an adult.

“Yes Mom.” 

He replied before pouring himself another bowl of Krave, scooping up his college bag in his left hand and loping out of the kitchen.

“Got my test in three weeks.”

He shouted as he disappeared upstairs to his room.

“His driving test.”

SJ explained to a quizzical looking Jean who had now seated himself at the table.

“Ahh un jeune homme dans un homme,”

He said half to himself and half to SJ who was now calling Samuel on his cell phone. The phone rang and rang with no answer; she didn’t bother to leave a message as she knew Samuel would not retrieve it. He would see a missed call displayed on his phone and call home if needed or reply to a text, but he would not pay the price for retrieving messages, a waste of money he had told her and extortionate at that.

As jean Stuffed his pipe with tobacco SJ tapped out a quick text to Samuel,

“Jean has popped in to see you when will you be home SJ xx.”

She pressed send and sat down and joined Jean at the table.

“No reply at the moment ….he should be home anytime now, but you know what the reception is like round here, he’s probably on his way into Lochap right now.”

“Ce n’est pas un problème, I can waid some.”

Jean replied as he folded his tobacco pouch, closed and tucked it into a baggy denim pocket.

The barking outside of Pooh and Moo from on the veranda announced the arrival home of Samuel. Both of the dogs scurried out from its shade into the intensity of the late afternoon sunlight and raced around to the side gate. There they waited with growing excitement as Samuel got out of his pickup, grabbed his tools and headed towards them. Pooh sung his master a welcome home song with his nose resting on the top of the gate while Moo wagged himself around in circles behind the gate with his toy banana clenched firmly between his teeth.

“Hi boys.”

Samuel shouted as he approached, carefully he opened the gate and closed it firmly behind him, he lay two shovels and his stick against the fence and then was escorted across the lawn, up the steps, across the veranda and into his kitchen by his pack. Both dogs vied for his attention, Pooh hugging his side tightly as they walked with Moo circling around them both in wide wagging arcs.

“Hello Jean.”

Samuel said in surprise.

“Salut Samuel.”

Replied Jean as he got to his feet and held out his hand. Samuel grabbed it and shook it firmly.

“Hi Samuel had a good day?”

SJ enquired.

“Long, hot and shit boring.”

He replied matter of factly as he pulled out a chair and sat down. He leaned forward and undid his snake gaiters, then unlaced his boots and finally undid his work belt and placed it on the floor next to his gaiters; both the dogs settled themselves down on their beds contented that all the family were home, the pack was complete.

Samuel ached from head to toe, his back ached, his right hip ached, the muscles in his forearms ached, and even his fingers ached. He let out a long sigh and massaged his forearms, one at a time, needing the muscles with his strong rough fingers.

“I’ll est à chaud, mon ami, the sun, the dust.”

Jean said looking with concern at Samuel’s shrunken figure as he sat at the table rubbing his aches and pains.

“Ohh its not the weather Jean, it’s the work, I’m getting to old for this or at least that’s how it feels right now and my body is falling to pieces…Lately it has started hurting all over, my muscles, joints, bones and even at times my skin hurts……………. And my head has gone on one of its usual meanders into nothingness lately……., I suppose I have only managed a day or so’s work a week for a few of weeks………….., I managed to get out today though.”

Samuel finished with a half hearted laugh.

Over Samuel’s head Jean could see SJ’s face drop, in an instant it went from a smile to a taught frown, she bit her lips and sadness flooded her features, she looked back at him momentarily before turning away

” Anyone for coffee?”

She enquired in a chirpy voice trying to lift the mood.

“Please SJ…., Ah bon.”

Came their joint replies.

As SJ made coffee for the three of them, the two men excused themselves to have a smoke on the veranda, both Samuel and SJ smoked but it was a no smoking house inside. SJ thought it kept the house smelling fresh and it had worked well for both Samuel and SJ as a way to cut down. The inconvenience of always having to go outside for a cigarette was enough to cut their daily intake by about a half.

Sitting in the shade, out of the intensity of the late afternoon sun Samuel and Jean chatted away, puffing billows of smoke up above their heads scattering swarms of small midges like a cowboy cutting through a herd of steers. They soon re convened in a haze of buzzing above their heads only to be scattered again by blasts of dark blue smoke directed into their midst’s.

As SJ joined them with a pot of coffee and three large mugs Jean was laughing fit to burst and for the first time in longer than she could remember Samuel was chuckling along to some unknown joke.

“Hey SJ guess where I’m going in three weeks.”

 Samuel said looking up with a smile.

“I don’t know, surprise me Samuel.”

She said as she set the coffee pot and the three mugs down on the small wooden table.

“Jean has invited me for a day’s hunting and fishing…….. It’s been ages since I’ve done that…..”

“Oh that sounds like fun.”

She replied with a faked surprise,

” What are you going to hunt?”

Samuel looked to Jean for help, they had only briefly discussed a day out hunting, Samuel had said that he would enjoy a day out doing something different and they had both agreed a date in about three weeks time. But Samuel had no idea what they might shoot or catch so with a blank expression on his face and a shrug of his shoulders he let Jean run through a menu of possibilities.

Three weeks after Jean’s visit Samuel got up and dressed and went down stairs with an unusual bounce in his step, he let Pooh and Moo out then fed them when they returned into the kitchen.  It was earlier than usual, five thirty and still dark. He prepared a good hearty breakfast, he had made a pot of coffee and bacon, poached eggs on potato waffles, grilled tomatoes and creamed spinach. Once cooked he tucked in eagerly, enjoying the burnt crispy rind of the bacon, savoring every mouthful as he thought of the day ahead. In the background the bleeping of Jason’s alarm could be heard, every now and then it would stop for a while as it was put into snooze mode by a sleepy Jason only to continue its piercing bleeping some five minutes later. SJ woke and walked out of her room onto the landing,

“Jason its time to get up, c’mon now your alarm has been going for ages…….c’mon get up.”

By now it was six thirty and Samuel had to get a move on, he had arranged to meet Jean at six forty five at his home in Malase. He shouted goodbye up the stairs to SJ and Jason before patting both his ‘boys’ on the head and leaving by the kitchen door for the mists  of the early morning. The  sun was just rising and the track to Malase was still shrouded in a murky purple half light, it was sticky and humid but at least much cooler than the heat of day that would come later.

On arriving at Jeans shack, Malase still had not been woken by the first beams of an early morning sun penetrating through the dense moss laden canopy overhead. Samuel found Jean sitting on his porch, feet stretched out in front of him on a low table, puffing away at his pipe and tow of the Johnson boys,Ethan and Joshua were just approaching the steps up to Jean’s porch.

 I hope you enjoy your reading. It is available on Kindle and a free copy can be borrowed for download at

Howard Moore

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