The Starmer front bench are dripping in dark money from private healthcare firms. Alongside Tory has beens they are as big a liars as Boris Johnson if they tell us the NHS is safe in their hands.

As this map also reveals current policy is handing over OUR NHS to private companies. If you cannot get an appointment or your appointment is considerably less time than previously or if you just feel it has all got worse remember that for some they are laughing all the way to the bank and beyond.

*The red pins show the location of sites where non-NHS providers are providing NHS-funded healthcare.

*The blue pins show constituencies represented by MPs who have interests in, or have been supported by, private healthcare organisations or by individuals with interests in such organisations.

Why private healthcare is destructive to health

  1. Inequitable access: Privatisation of healthcare can exacerbate inequalities in access to healthcare services. Private providers often prioritise profit-making over providing care to underserved or economically disadvantaged populations. This can lead to increased disparities in healthcare access, with wealthier individuals receiving better care while marginalised communities face difficulties in accessing essential services.
  2. Cost concerns: While proponents argue that privatisation can bring efficiency and cost savings, there is evidence suggesting otherwise. Private healthcare facilities often prioritise profit maximisation, leading to higher costs for services, especially in cases where competition is limited or absent. This can result in increased healthcare expenses for individuals and families, making quality care unaffordable for many.
  3. Cherry-picking and cream-skimming: Private providers have the freedom to select the most profitable patients and treatments, leaving the burden of treating complex and costly cases to public healthcare systems. This can result in public hospitals and clinics being left with a higher proportion of financially burdensome cases, while private facilities focus on more profitable services, leading to an imbalance in the healthcare system.
  4. Fragmentation and lack of coordination: Privatisation can lead to fragmentation in healthcare delivery systems, making coordination and continuity of care more challenging. Multiple private providers operating independently can result in a lack of integration and coordination among healthcare services, leading to suboptimal patient outcomes and increased healthcare costs.
  5. Risk of profit motive over patient care: The primary goal of private healthcare providers is often profit generation. This can potentially compromise patient care quality as providers may prioritise cost-cutting measures, limit services to profitable treatments, or engage in unnecessary procedures to increase revenue. The profit motive can undermine the patient-centered approach and create conflicts of interest.
  6. Regulatory challenges: Privatisation requires robust regulation to safeguard public interests, ensure quality standards, and prevent unethical practices. However, regulating private healthcare providers can be complex and challenging, requiring significant resources and expertise. Inadequate regulation or regulatory capture can result in substandard care, fraud, or unethical practices, compromising patient safety and well-being.
  7. Lack of accountability and transparency: Private healthcare providers often face less public scrutiny and transparency compared to public institutions. This lack of accountability can hinder the ability to monitor quality, outcomes, and the equitable distribution of healthcare services. In some cases, private providers may lack transparency in reporting data and outcomes, making it difficult to assess their performance and hold them accountable.

As can be seen some MP’s are raking it in with no thought for the patient. A vote for them is a vote for their corruption and their greed neither of which benefits us.

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